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hi , i am new and sorry for my terrible english, i am italian. i have this problem : i use w=interp3(x,y,z,V,xi,yi,zi,'linear'), i wanted to find w in some specific ranges and no problem since here. Now i would like to find the polynomial / logaritmic "formula" that interpoles my datas ( in other words, i would like ... 5 May 2010 03:51
Hi everyone, I am working with guide (user interface) and I cannot make a .exe file. The layout work but the logical never. It's possible? Can I make a .exe file for guide (file.fig+file.m)? I use the version R2008b. I enter with "mcc -e file" and the code is compiled but don't work. Thank you for your attention and ... 5 May 2010 19:23
drawing a semi-circular channel
I want to draw a semi-circular ditch. Ditches are usually drawn as rectangular but i want one with a round bottom. What MATLAB 'trick' can I use to accomplish this? Thanks ... 4 May 2010 12:19
photovoltaic modelling
Hi, I'm doing research on Photovoltaic simulation and its control. I need to built a PV cell array model by Matlab / Simpower system which will meet all the I-V, P-V characteristics. Just got no idea how to build this model by Simpower. Any body can give me any clue? I appreciate the assistant. ... 4 May 2010 10:04
Logical Indexing: Can you see a way I can speed up my function?
I have written some code to align two timeseries (I am using the matlab timeseries object), so regression and other cause-effect analysis can be carried out. The problem is I have used a for loop. This is making the code very slow (given the timeseries are large, > 1e5 observations). I have used the profiler and... 4 May 2010 10:04
model to M-file
is matlab have the option to convert model into M-file as well M-file to model? ... 4 May 2010 10:04
problam in matlab
I have a problem in executing the while as I have to conditions there. I am not a programmer and need your help. Do I need to post my m.file here or what should I do if anyone wants to help me. Cheers ... 4 May 2010 10:04
3d plotting
I have to plot a surface using 3d plotting. I have three vectors X,Y and N1 Sizeof X is 1 330 Sizeof Y is 1 320 Size of N1 is 330 320 i am trying meshgrid and surf but i get the following error: surf(X,Y,N1) ??? Error using ==> surf at 70 Data dimensions must agree. ... 9 May 2010 02:29
Problem with nlinfit
Hi, I am trying to fit a set of data into a model of functional form as described below: f(z) = c1 x (z1^c2) x (z2^c3) x (z3^c4) , where z1,z2 and z3 are the model parameters and c1-c4 are the coefficients to be found. This model has been written into a m-file as follows: ---------------------------------... 4 May 2010 10:04
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