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GUI using method
Dear all How can I use GUI? Actually, I wanna know to make the graphs with GUI I surfed the books, internet website but I couldn't find them properly. actually, I need some explantion and some examples to follow step by step In general books, the process does not show how to make with result, I did... 4 May 2010 11:11
remove elemetents from a matrix
I am not sure about what you mean with making the matrix smaller, but idx = find(A); [i,j,k] = ind2sub(size(A),idx); extracts the indices of nonzeros of matrix A Fabio ... 4 May 2010 05:43
Diadem DAT files import to Matlab
Hallo, I'm having the exact same problem. Is it possible to send me the file also or put it in "File Exchange"? Thanks in advance Sincerely I. Botonakis "Gunther " <gunther.bismans(a)> wrote in message <h7qv12$o3r$1(a)>... "Volker " <volkermx(a)> wrote in message <h2ang2$kum$1... 4 May 2010 04:38
remove elemetents from a matrix
I have a three dimentional matrix AxBxC and I want to remove (and hence make the matrix smaller) all elements that is zero in all three dimentions. How can I do this in an easy way? The matrix is to big to go in check elementwise if the element is zero and then remove it. /mb ... 4 May 2010 05:43
Undefined function or variable
Hi, I've got a big problem. I'd like to use a MATLAB toolbox. All requirements are installed but it won't run. I open the main .m file (let's say it's called 'hello.m'). I press the runbutton at the top of the editor and it always says Undefined function or variable 'hello'. which hallo says: D:\directory... 4 May 2010 05:43
multidimensional argument in matt2cell
hi, i try to run this code at certain images of .png format : img1=imresize(img,[100,100]); [n m]=size(img1); cellsize=50; sub_cell=mat2cell(img1, [cellsize*ones(1,n/cellsize)], [cellsize*ones(1,n/cellsize)]); Then I got this error: ??? Error using ==> mat2cell at 96 Number of input vector arguments, 2... 4 May 2010 04:37
asynchronous animation of two paraboloids in one window
Hello to everyone! Help, please, that's such a problem here. The resulting paraboloids must be animating in one window, while the frequency of contractions of each depends only on it's parameters and wasn't linked to another.I tried to use nested loops but it works strange. Code: a=5; b=a; c=10; u = (0:0.05*... 4 May 2010 04:37
best score/rank in players page
Hi guys, just a thought: wouldn't it be nice to add a column with best score/best ranking for each player in the Players page? Thanks, Ruello (a very poor player, but enjoying it) ... 4 May 2010 04:37
Unexpected error in simulink
Why do I receive this error? ??? Error using ==> sldebug Unexpected internal error. Error in ==> <a href="error:C:\Programmi\MATLAB\R2007a\toolbox\simulink\simulink\sldebugui.m,71,1">sldebugui at 71</a> sldebug(name) How can I solve??? ... 4 May 2010 10:04
How can I compare 2 surfaces??
I have 2 surfaces surface1=surface(X1,Y1,Z1) surface2= surface(X2,Y2,Z2) I want to compare this 2 surfaces I dont know can I use this : surface3 = surface2 - surface1 ???? Can I have differences in matrix format : deltaX deltaY and deltaz ?? ... 9 May 2010 02:29
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