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Simulink help required. plz hi, i have two questions, kindly help me out. I have matlab code written and want to implement that code on Simulink and then then convert that code to verilog. In making the simulink model, i ve some problems. i have imported the data, a row vector of 308x1 at one time step. Now i want to transpose that arr... 5 May 2010 01:43
Area of a Binary image Hi, I am trying to find the area of a binary image, when I use the bwarea command I am given the area for the 0 (on pixel) only, i am looking for to find the 1 (off pixel), how can i do that? ... 5 May 2010 07:07
Plotting of the powe spectra of digital sequences Hello all, I am having problems in calcualting the power spectra of digital sequences. I am having a digital sequence which I intend to transmit in the line coded form. Please tell me in detail that how would I find its spectra. Please it is very imp ... 5 May 2010 02:47
How to plot isolines from sampled data? Hello, I want to plot the isolines of an unknown function of 2 variables (z = f(x,y)). The only information available about this function is a set of values of the form: x1 y1 z11 x1 y2 z12 .... x1 yN z1N x2 y1 z21 x2 y2 z22 x2 yN z2N .... xN yN zN How can I plot the isolines of this function? Than... 5 May 2010 02:47
ARX parameter 'only' matrix Hi. Anybody know to get 'only' parameter matrix of ARX model, not equation, like arburg of ar model etc ? Many thanks ... 5 May 2010 23:48
Need quick help on matlab commanding I'm trying to create 200 outputs by entering two different variables 200 times. Here is what I have been trying: t=linspace(0,2*pi,200); b=asin((5*sin(t))/14); v=(5*sin(t+b))/(sin(pi-((t+b)+((pi/2)-t)))) v = -1.2963e-016 Why is this only giving me one answer for v? Based off of the 200 t creat... 5 May 2010 00:38
ccs build error hi all. i've trouble with build code from matlab R2007a into TMS320C6713 DSK.(CCS V3.1). i use bernouli as input, and i get bug and report like this.can you help me please.. Error building Real-time workshop target from block diagram 'wimax_3_07'.MATLAB eror message: Error using ==>callMakeHook.pcalMakeHookat47 ... 5 May 2010 12:38
Error Rate Calculations with Hamming Code Encoder/Decoder Hi All, For a class project, I am attempting to build a transmission system which uses the Bernoulli Binary Integer (M=16) block as source input. It is using frame based output with 4 samples per frame. It is fed into a Hamming Code encoder (7,4) whose output is fed into a 16-QAM modulator. The output of the modu... 4 May 2010 23:31
Probelm with Simulink Spectrum Scope I am very new to simulink and I'm having a terrible problem I can't seem to figure out. I want to use the spectrum scope block to calculate and display the FFT of an impulse. Every time I try this, the spectrum scope display goes blank; just a couple horizontal lines around -3233. I've tried decreasing the sample time ... 4 May 2010 22:23 Online Footwear and Apparel Boutique As its name indicates, provides you a variety of shoes with all the different brands available. If boys, you still don’t know a good place to shop shoes, I think you really should come to the web to have a good look at it. Here, you can find all the sports shoes of dif... 4 May 2010 22:23 |