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Matlab Engine Can't Open.....
Hi all, I can open my matlab engine when I used the matlab 2007b, but after my installation of matlab 2010a(Now I have 2007b and 2010a both), the engine can't be opened by vc++. I use the "engOpen(Null)",I can see the command window on the taskbar,but just for a while, it disappears,then the open failed,the pointer... 8 May 2010 09:00
distance between two points along a curve
Hi all, I don´t know how to calculate the distance between two points along a curve with a given function. In particular I need to calculate in MATLAB the x,y coordinates of the point which is at a given distance from another point along the curve. The curve is the gaussian one (with all the data to specify it).... 9 May 2010 07:49
distance between two points along a curve
Hi all, I don´t know how to calculate the distance between two points along a curve with a given function. In particular I need to calculate in MATLAB the x,y coordinates of the point which is at a given distance from another point along the curve. The curve is the gaussian one (with all the data to specify it).... 8 May 2010 06:51
The number provided for each value
Stress vs. strain data for a composite material. strain=[0 0.183 0.36 0.5324 0.702 0.867 1.0244 1.1774 1.329 1.479 1.5 1.56]; stress=[0 306 612 917 1223 1529 1835 2140 2446 2752 2767 2896]; Find the longitudinal modulus E using the regression model.sigma=E*epsilon i must find only one E for all ca... 8 May 2010 06:51
analyzing stock time series data.
Hi Matlab experts, My background is in functional magnetic resonance imaging time series data analysis, and I recently realized that there's no reason l can't also apply the same statistical procedures I use for my research to stock forecasting. I want to analyze historical time series data for stocks that I'd li... 11 May 2010 23:24
why RMSE obtained from stepwisefit and regstats differs?
I've got stats.rmse=19.38 from stepwisefit and sqrt(stats.mse)=23.67 from regstats using the same y and the same columns in X. Can you tell me the reason of this and indicate which is right? ... 10 May 2010 13:11
Urgently need a program on image processing.
Okay, this is a little complicated. Please read the following statement carefully n try to understand.. Here goes We have an image. Say, 1500x1200 pixels. Firstly, we need to read the image and obtain the pixel values of each and every pixel. Mainly, this program should check whether there is uniformity in the image... 10 May 2010 03:21
Separatrix Curve
Sorry for the 2 year bump. But I have a similar hw problem. I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing: I've plotted the vector field and drew a phase portrait for Nonlinear Differential Equation. I need to plot the seperatrix by "picking an initial point close to the saddle point, and solving the IVP for t ... 8 May 2010 03:39
How to change the background color from green to black
I want to change the background of my image which ir green to black, I tried the following code, it makes other parts which theyare not green as black, any help please: img=imread('fish.jpg'); [x y z]=size(img) for i=1:1:(x-1) for j=1:1:(y-1) if (img(i,j,3)>=150) img(i,j,:)=0; end end end imshow(img); ... 8 May 2010 16:42
Efficient Frontier Weights
Dear all, i am analyzing financial time series data with the help of "Financial Toolbox - Efficient Frontier Demo". I wonder how can i know the weights on efficient frontier line?..because i would like to get the weights on my portfolio holding before constructing GARCH Value at Risk..lets say if on efficient front... 8 May 2010 01:30
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