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Non-negative Tikhonov Regularization
"John" <j.demello(a)> wrote in message <go170u$md5$1(a)>... Thanks Oliver - much appreciated! John OK, but including Tikhonov regularization means you're really trying to solve something like: min_x ||Ax - b||^2 + ||Tx||^2 x >= 0 You can so... 10 May 2010 14:19
I would like some help with question 2 & 3. Please can anyone help me? Thank you very much.... ... 11 May 2010 10:02
Error in port widths or dimensions
hi everyone.. i want to know how to connect block line in adc with convolutional encoder i build wimax baseband and use line in adc as input... but i get a report that 'Error in port widht or dimensions' i really need his.. thanks before for u're help ... 10 May 2010 13:11
How to estimate the frequency response of a fixed-point Simulink model?
Hi guys, Sorry I have to post this again as I have no clue on the problem and really need your help. I have a digital filter block in Simulink built with basic elements (delay, gain, sum), and it is a fixed-point model (fixed-point format for each I/O and coefficient is specified). I am trying to estimate its... 10 May 2010 13:11
replacing elements of a matrix
"Oluwa KuIse" <wespeakforex(a)> wrote in message <hs9a9b$pnu$1(a)>... Thanks for your answers, it worked. I have a related problem still in overland flow: For certain values of fluid depth e.g. h < 0.001, I want to set the ground slope, Sox, equal to the friction slope, Sfx. Pseudocode: ... 10 May 2010 13:11
penalty to fminsearch
Hello, I need help with something, I want to impose a penalty to fminsearch, something like If a resulting value is < then 10% of the another resulting value impose a penalty that should throw offcourse fminsearch. As general ideea I want to impose Fminsearch to follow the condition that a resulting value t... 11 May 2010 11:09
replacing elements of a matrix
Thanks for your answers, it worked. I have a related problem still in overland flow: For certain values of fluid depth e.g. h < 0.001, I want to set the ground slope, Sox, equal to the friction slope, Sfx. Pseudocode: %given h, Sox and Sfx all of the same size For (i,j) = h <0.001 Sfx(i,j) = Sox(i,j); % Replace the... 10 May 2010 12:04
Spline and NaN
HI, I'm trying to make a smoothing spline through N-dimensional data (with spline toolbox). Something like spaps({x,y}, f, s) Everything works fine so far. Now, I have a new set of data points where some values are NaN. Matlab (understandably) doesn't like to build a spline where NaN values are. The non-NaN value... 12 May 2010 05:52
replacing elements of a matrix
"Oluwa KuIse" <wespeakforex(a)> wrote in message <hs95d7$37i$1(a)>... Hello, I'm solving problems in overland flow modeling and when fluid depth, h, goes below a set minimum, I want the velocity,U, to be set to zero. %% %Given matrices h and U min_h = 0.001; % arbitrarily set, an... 10 May 2010 10:57
replacing elements of a matrix
Hello, I'm solving problems in overland flow modeling and when fluid depth, h, goes below a set minimum, I want the velocity,U, to be set to zero. %% %Given matrices h and U min_h = 0.001; % arbitrarily set, any number can be put here [i,j] = find(h < min_h); % (i,j) is the position of elements of h that meet th... 10 May 2010 10:57
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