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embedded matlab help
i am working on the matlab embedded function, i am facing a problem in converting the code given below to matlab embedded code, I=find(afsb0 > amp_max*P_max); nI=length(I); fsb0(I)=((amp_max*(P_max^2)*ones(1,nI))./afsb0(I)).* ... exp(cj*angle(fsb0(I))); The variable I is not defined/initialized before,... 12 May 2010 05:52
remove space between subplots
Hi, i have a figure consisting of 4 subplots which looks like h(1) = subplot(4,1,1); plot(sdate,xx); h(2) = subplot(4,1,2); plot(sdate,yy) h(3) = ... h(4) = ... how can I restrict the space between the subplots (to a minimum)? I know this must work with the position order, but which concrete value... 10 May 2010 06:35
jitter & shimmer
Hello, does somebody know if there exists code for jitter and shimmer detection for matlab. Please reply direct to me: milanaplecas(a) Thank you in advance, Milana Plecas ... 11 May 2010 10:02
volumetric temp-salt analysis
hi, i want to create a grid (matrix) for y=temp (9°C - 20 °C onestep) and x=salt (26.5 PSU - 35.5 PSU onestep) to count my datapoints (1000000). f.e. a datapoint salt 31 temp 11 matlab should put this datapoint in the cell for salt(31 -32 PSU) and temp(11-12 °c) and at the end of this counting matlab should draw... 10 May 2010 08:45
MATLAB Financial Engineer - London
My client, a London based Hedge Fund, is looking to hire an experienced Financial Engineer to join their team in London. We are looking for a strong professional with preferably 3-6 years Matlab programming experience within a user focused background. Knowledge should cover financial programming as well as GUI and sc... 10 May 2010 05:30
reversible watermarking using histogram shifting ... 10 May 2010 07:39
calculating an acceleration
Hi all, I need an help to calculate an acceleration between 2 points: acc = (s2-s1)/[(t2-t1)^2]; % meters/seconds^2 These are the known parameters: s2 - s1 = distance; % meters v1 % velocity at time t1, meters/seconds v2 % velocity at time t2, meters/seconds function to calculate v2 knowing ... 10 May 2010 10:57
reversible watermarking using histogram shifting ... 10 May 2010 05:30
print figure with screen resolution using commandline?
Hello, I would like to print letters centered in the figure. I works when I use the GUI, but it does not work via commandline. Since I have to print a few hundred of this figures, I would prefer to not do this manually. Here is an example code: figure('position',[1,1,800, 600], 'unit','pixel'); a = axes('unit',... 10 May 2010 13:11
ButtonDownFcn doesn't work if the axis is off
Hi, I've defined my axes as follows: h_ax = axes(...) then I loaded an image: h_im = imshow(img_org); In the next step the ButtonDownFcn is defined: set(h_ax, 'ButtonDownFcn', @(h, ev) KS_im) and of course the HitTest-Property of h_im has been deactivated (the reason is clear) set(h_im, 'HitTest', 'off'... 10 May 2010 05:30
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