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gui question
Hello, My question is regarding the GUI. In one of my codes i call another sub GUI, like that: "data_no_BCG=BCG_removal_gui(data);" but in order to get "data_no_BCG" the user have to press a few callbacks in the sub GUI, and in the meantime i have more code after the "data_no_BCG=BCG_removal_gui(data);" command that... 9 May 2010 23:03
Matlab on Ubuntu 64-bit?
This is probably a very vague question but can I install Matlab Student Version 32-bit on my Ubuntu Lucid 64-bit? I'm presuming I can but then again, I don't know what would be the extra requirements. I've recently fresh installed Ubuntu so I'm going to have to re-download Matlab. Just checking before I do so. Pleas... 14 May 2010 08:24
debugging c++ dll using libmx.dll
"J. Street" <jmathworks(a)> wrote in message <he7hha$ic9$1(a)>... Hello all, I am using libmx.dll to share mxArrays between home-brewed dll and matlab. I'm using cygwin for the compilation on a Vista x64 OS (using matlab 7.0.1 SP1). When compiling the dll, the linker is unable to find... 9 May 2010 04:37
thin Vs skeleton
Hi all, I wonder about the usefulness of the "skeleton" and "the thinnest version" of an object in a binary image. Suppose we have binary handwritten letters and we want to split them at the junction points. I think that the following should work well Thin_A=bwmorph(A,'thin',Inf); Cross1_A=imfilter(double(Thin_A),... 9 May 2010 04:37 Cheap NFL Jerseys Cheap NHL Jerseys Cheap MLB Jerseys Our Company Wholesale and Retail: NHL Jerseys: NFL Jerseys,MLB Jerseys,NBA Jerseys,Soccer Jerseys,NCAA Jerseys; New Jersey Devils Jerseys, Chicago Blackhawks Jerseys, New York Islanders Jerseys, Columbus Blue Jackets Jerseys, New York Rangers Jerseys, Detroit Red Wings Jerseys , Phi... 9 May 2010 03:33
"sivabalan N" <nshivabalan(a)> wrote in message <hrhaq1$iis$1(a)>... Hello Friends my name is SIVA. step 1: I have a point clouds(i.e x,y,z points of the surface) Step 2: from that i would like to generate STL (stereo lithography file ) by Delaunay Triangulation. Step 3: I ... 9 May 2010 02:29
representing surface normals in matlab
"Snow White" <gulesaman(a)> wrote in message <hrplbc$acm$1(a)>... hello, I have a matrix 3xn matrix that represents the surface normals. The first row is the x component the 2nd being the y component while the 3rd row is eh z component of the normal. I want to know how to represent it i... 9 May 2010 02:29
how can I get a professional training on biostatistic experiments, e.g. Response Surface Methods ?
I want to know the professional methods of biostatistic experiments for bioprocess optimizing. ... 9 May 2010 05:41
zorder of plotyy
I'm using plotyy(x,y1,x,y2) to plot (x,y1) on the left y-axis and (x,y2) on the right y-axis. I make the marker property of y1 and y2 be "o", so big circles are plotted. Y2 appears to be plotted after Y1, so Y2 markers cover Y1 markers. If I want Y1 to be the left y-axis, how do I make Y1 markers appear on top of Y2... 9 May 2010 06:45
How to make a specified part of picture blink/flash ?
How do i make a specified part of picture blink/flash using simulink blocksets ? Anyone can guide ? Thank you . ... 9 May 2010 00:20
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