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Need Help! fft2()
hello, I need help with my fft2 of these an image and a mask. I have padded the two functions so that they are the same (and also made sure that they were converted to doubles. Fp=fft2(fp); Wp=fft2(wp); for x=1:P; for y=1:Q; Gp1=Fp(x,y)*Wp(x,y); Gp2(x,y)=Gp1; end end gp=ifft... 9 May 2010 21:59
can't start matlab -win32 in windows 2008 r2
I want to start matlab with -win32. It looks for vcredist_x86, and I install it. But matlab cannot start yet. The following error message arised: Can't start matlab (line:753),.... ... 9 May 2010 21:59
image processing in GUI
hye, 1) i m having prob displaying the image acquired by the webcam using a pushbutton in GUI. i m not sure what callback or which handles to be used and m using the guide GUI. although i am able to work the button, but still getting errors for the push button. 2) also having problem to read acquired rgb image to p... 10 May 2010 00:09
MATLAB closes automatically
Hi, My MATLAB runs and it works OK may be for hours but suddenly it closes by itself. May be I receive a message in the command window but I don't know. The version is MATLAB 7 R14 and I am working under the OS window 7. ... 9 May 2010 20:53
averaging several matrices
I have a number of 2-D arrays (13 x 9 double) and I would like to compute the element-by-element means, resulting in a 13 x 9 matrix of mean values. Seems like this should be a simple operation, analogous to multiplication (.*), but I've been unable to find a function that helps. My example more specifically: I hav... 9 May 2010 23:03
Get keypress without locking/last key pressed?
My objective is to run a function, and them comeback to main cycle to check if any key has been pressed in the meantime. The function will take a few ms at most, but the key press is simulated (via bluetooth device), so i think it wont be the same as a human keypress (where the key stays down at least a few hundredths... 9 May 2010 19:48
error when trying to use 'hilbert'
Hello =) I'm having trouble trying to use the 'hilbert' function and I'm hoping someone can give me advice. When I try to run the hilbert example in the help file: xr = [1 2 3 4]; x = hilbert(xr) I get: "??? Undefined function or method 'hilbert' for input arguments of type 'double'." as an error. I've t... 9 May 2010 19:48
two variables output checker
hi there ok .... i have the following equation as an example : ax + by i would like to start a = 0.0000001 and b = 0.0000001 is fixed, then store y. do this until a = 1. add to b 0.0000001 and do the process again. also until b =1 .. this will cover all answers for a and b for the range of (0.0000001 to 1... 9 May 2010 20:53
signal reconstruction using wavelets
Hi I am using wavelets to denoise a noisy signal. Perfect reconstruction depends upon the wavelet basis functions used. cross correlation of the signal with wavelts basis can help us to select the optimum wavelet. Comeback to wavelet decomposition , signal is convoluted with filter coefficients. Can any one ple... 10 May 2010 09:51
Subtracting from cell arrays
cell2mat(Samplein2(:,145)-cell2mat(Samplein2(:,116) is giving me an error that Matrix dimenssions must agree the reason is that many entries in the columns are Nans and when I use cellmat the 145 column ends up with 397 observations whereas 116 ends up with 401 observations. is there a way to subtract the two co... 9 May 2010 16:30
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