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Fitting a surface
Excellent! This is exactly what I was looking for. ... 17 May 2010 11:18
Closing a .exe file
Hello, this appears to be a very simple question but for the life of me I cannot figure it out. I can open a .exe file using: open('test.exe') How do I close the program using matlab? Thanks in advance, Ed ... 18 May 2010 07:03
Hi I would like to get all the pixels within a region of interest in my image. I can use roipoly and then do indexing to get the pixels of interest, if my region of interest is a polygon. But, my image contains an elliptical object and I would like to get all the pixels within the ellipse. Thresholding did not wo... 17 May 2010 11:18
problem with reducing of precision
Hi , I have two variable (x1 and y1), which y1 is a result of interpolation "interp1". I want to calculate theta as below, but because of interp1, "ans" for each theta is not 0 (x=x1, y=y1, then theta(i) suppose to be 0 ). Then i tried to reduce the precision of y1 with fixpt_interp1, but it doesn't work. How can I ... 17 May 2010 10:12
Decision Feedback Equalizer DFE
Dear All, are there any Rule of Thumb to choose the DFE parameters? I have a running simulinkmodell which uses a lineare Equalizer. Now I try to implement a DFE but without success so far. When I run the model with DFE I get always a BER of 0.5. Thanks for any hints. Philippe ... 17 May 2010 10:12
Reading in image subsets with multibandread
I have some large image data stored in binary form: Format: Band interleaved by pixel (BIP) Size: 32768 x 4096 pixels (i.e. MATLAB-typically rows x cols) Precision: 32-bit float No. of bands: 2 When I try to read in the data using multibandread as shown in the documentation, it works, but my 64-bit edition of ... 17 May 2010 10:12
How to plot the BER results of LDPC code w.r.t Q factor
If any one knows how to plot the BER results obtained for LDPC code w.r.t. Q factor rather than normal signal to noise ratio. ... 17 May 2010 09:06
non zero element in Matrix
How to find non zero element in Matrix I have a matrix A with lots of Zero and I have to take average of only that element which is non zero. ... 17 May 2010 10:12
Integration f(x,y)
Is there any integration function (Like quad) accept input f(x,y) and give output as a function of x after doing integration with respect to y for given limits... so that after manipulating, modifying and involving some other function of x, Integrate again with respect to x. ... 17 May 2010 10:12
Probit marginal effects
I wrote a wrapper of the glmfit function which calculates the marginal effects according to te two methods listed above. If anybody is interested I can submit the function. Oleg Dear Oleg, Could you please submit this function? I'm very interested in calculating the multinomial logit marginal effe... 17 May 2010 08:00
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