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My matlab 2010a cannot display greek characters correctly under linux.
When I use plot to draw, the Greek characters in the figure cannot be displayed correctly, such as \psi is displayed as "Y", \mu is displayed as "m". They are all replaced by some English characters. What can I do? ... 28 May 2010 17:04
Neural Network Blockset
Hi, I've been using Matlab for a quite a time. I have recently started to learn neural networks using Matlab. I am trying to learn how to use the neural network blockset in simulink, but can't find any example of it from scratch. I am a beginner and would love to see any small backpropagation function approximation ... 18 May 2010 03:49
cell shape measurement
Hi all I got this set of cell nucleus images. I need to measure the shape and extract other morpholgical features. So how can I do that plz suggest. If possible suiggest how to extract other essential features of the image. How can region pro be used here. The image links are http://dr... 18 May 2010 07:03
bug with surf() in R2007a?
For the record... I was also getting an "invalid object handle" error when using mesh. I had a script with a mesh overlaid on a scatter3 plot, and it would work in a fresh Matlab, but after a while it seemed to fail and I couldn't pin down how or why. I think I fixed it with the help of this post: http://www.mathw... 18 May 2010 02:44
object handles
For the record, I was having the "invalid object handle" error when using mesh. I had a script with a mesh overlaid on a scatter3 plot, and it would work in a fresh Matlab, but after a while it seemed to fail and I couldn't pin down how or why. I think I fixed it with the help of this post: 18 May 2010 02:44
help with my program
1. Reading the configuration of the sweep area The program should read a file minegrid.csv, which contains 25 x 25 values representing the configuration of the area. The free locations are represented with 0 and the forbidden with 1. Mines are indicated by the value 2. The program should ask the user to enter the Ba... 19 May 2010 12:40
Hi, I have a while loop which starts with while transpose(cons_new_sum)<(0.98)*ones(1024,1) i expect that while loop check each number in the vector and if all numbers become more than 0.98 it will stop, however it doesnot do like that, there are still some rows that do not satisfy the condition but the while ... 18 May 2010 01:39
Counting stress cycles in fatigue analysis
Does anyone have any matlab code that will count the fatigue stress cycles when you have the stress time history? Common methods for counting the cycles by hand are the 'Rainflow Cycle Counting' or 'Reservior Method'. Regards, Andrew ... 1 Jun 2010 05:24
Face Fusion
I am trying to implement a function in Matlab, for two images of faces be fused together. To create a hybrid of the two faces. The images are greyscale I am quite new at matlab; so looking for some direction in what i need to do. ive thought about blurring one image, and doing a laplacian filter on the other, t... 19 May 2010 01:45
external access
How can I start a .m-file / a function per java or c++ ? E.g. function addition( A, B ) Can I start it per matlab file.m 1 2 ?? Thank you! ... 18 May 2010 00:34
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