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Current directory
Hi folks, I am puzzled by the behaviour of current directory in R2008b. Please do you know the way to ensure that only one path is active and the directory does not change? Under Preferences / Current Directory I cleared the history and set the number of recent directories for saving to 1, the one I kept in the C... 19 May 2010 18:14
Polygon approximation
Good morning, I'm a french student, (that explains my poor english level), and i'm working with Matlab. I'm looking for an algorithem that create an approximated polygon of a irrigular forme! Excuse my english again! Catch you all later ;) ... 18 May 2010 12:34
applied maths
Hello I am having a little problem! Basically I need to plot a function of k,y so this is my script syms k y f=100; h=150; c1=1450; c2=1650; b=1.2; w=2*pi*f; a=w*h*sqrt(1/(c1*c1)-1/(c2*c2)); g=sqrt(w/c1*w/c1-k*k); y=g*h; tan(y)==(-b*y)/sqrt(a*a-y*y) plot(k,y); However the first problem was the ... 18 May 2010 17:00
matlab Figures open outside of screen area
For some reason the default opening location for my MATLAB figures it ouside of the screen area of my monitor. How do I change this? Put another way, when I call "figure" the window opens, but half of it is off the screen. This is very irritating. ... 18 May 2010 14:46
Decode analog video input
I plan to record the output of a black white video camera as continuous data sampled at 1000Hz. Is there a way to directly convert that output into a video image in matlab or do I need to play it back into a frame-grapper card? Thanks! Mark ... 18 May 2010 12:33
Run matlab from the command line in Windows
Hi Does anyone know of a way to run matlab from the command prompt in Windows? By run I don't mean launch. The normal behaviour when you type matlab on the command line in Windows is for matlab to be launched in a separate thread and window, and the command immediately returns back to the shell in the command window... 18 May 2010 12:34
calculating conditional moments in EGARCH model
I am trying to estimate the conditional moments in an EGARCH model, but I am confused by the discrepancy between the simulated and analytical results that I get for mean and variance. First, I estimate an EGARCH(2,1) model: [GARCHCoeff,Errors,LLF,e,s,Summary] = garchfit(Spec, SampleR); Then I use garchpred() t... 18 May 2010 11:27
ODE Help
Hey folks, I'm having some difficulty with syntax/understanding around the ODE functions. What I'm working on at the moment is a function, BigFunction(6 parameters) that returns a 19 element answer. I then need to apply ode23tb to this answer for 10 steps - but I'm getting well hung up on the syntax for these things... 18 May 2010 13:39
Get cdata of plot created by fill function
"Bernhard " <MadStan(a)> wrote in message <hn8vlu$aul$1(a)>... Walter Roberson <roberson(a)> wrote in message <hn8un7$gbo$1(a)>... Bernhard wrote: thanks, getframe() does the job! But maybe there is a better way to solve my problem without ... 18 May 2010 11:27
Load Flow Analysis
hi! I want a project on Load flow analysis in radial distribution system using matlab.........can somebody can help me ... 19 May 2010 01:45
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