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Scale bar and axis changing in contourf and imagesc plots I've a silicon sample of the size 20*30mm. I've used a device to measure the density of holes in the surface. This device returns a 440*230 matrix with the values measued all over the sample. When I analyze this matrix in matlab, I use both CONTOURF and IMAGESC to obtain a map over my sample. If this matrix is called m... 17 May 2010 13:31
Calling VB script from Matlab GUI Hello, I was wondering whether anyone could help me. How could I get my Matlab GUI to call a vb script at the click of a button? I am quite competent with using Matlab however I do not know vb at all. Someone has written the vb script for me, all I need to do is call it. But I have no idea how to do this. There seem... 15 May 2010 08:16
Cast Problem? Hi, I have a .m file which contains a series of for... next loops in which to increment and evaluate the following lines: for i = 1:2 for j = 1:10 for z = 1:10 PDFPostFaultImpMag(i).PostFaultMeas{z,j} = normpdf([sort([FImpedanceMag(:,i).Measurements{:,j}])],mean([FImpedance... 15 May 2010 13:42
xls read hii, I am looking for help to sort my excel data. I got below list of columns A B C D ...................... Time Speed Acceleration BrakePressure ......... using xls read with ('filename, -1') I c... 15 May 2010 07:12
Update Data using callback of Uitable Hii Can anybody help me how I can update the Data in the uicontrol table in GUI ? Using a button I get the data from an .xls file and I want to populate this data in the uicontrol table, when every time I select a new file. I tried using callbacks but I am not able to work out this problem. ... 16 May 2010 02:43
Update Data using callback of Uitable Hii I am trying to update the data in Uitable in one of my GUI application using Callback. Right now in my GUI application I have a Button... using which I load a data in my GUI application. And I want to update this previous data present in GUI Table (uitable) using some callback for example CellEditCallback ... 15 May 2010 06:08
wavelet bandwidth I have a problem now I process my signal using wavelet analysis . But the sample frequency is 22k ,not 44k I don't know the bandwidth for each level node anyone know hot calculate the bandwidth for each level node in wavelet analysis when the sample frequency of signal is 22k?? thanks ... 16 May 2010 08:05
Could not find the compiler "nvcc" on the DOS path. Hi all I am newbie in Matlab.I am trying to make M file from CUDA programs given in Matlab_CUDA plug ins.All instruction are given in read file is Working fine,when i try to run nvmex -f nvmexopts.bat -IC:\cuda\include -LC:\cuda\lib -lcufft -lcudart It gives following error: This is mex, Copyright 1984-200... 15 May 2010 05:05
Cannot install Matlab 2007a on Windows 7 momo <riyazmhda(a)> wrote in message <5631d3af-281b-46b2-83aa-1859af967441(a)>... On Nov 21, 5:55 pm, "Ammar " <ammar...(a)> wrote: Dears, I can't install Matlab 2007a on Windows 7, I tried to change copatability settings but in vain. when I click on next... 15 May 2010 05:05
How to write function for ODE? I want to write the ODE dR/dT=k0-k1*S-k2*R where S and R are variables and k0,k1 and k2 are constants. in matlab so that i can give it as a parameter to odes15 solver. How should i write that function? also wat initial values i should give? Finally I want to plot R vs S. Should i use a for loop or can i give som... 17 May 2010 11:18 |