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Time series WNN input Hi, I'm trying to predict the next point in a time series using wavelet decomposition and neural networks. But I'm having problems choosing the data to feed the NN after the signal decomposition. Can anyone clarify which data should train my network? Thanks, Bruno ... 25 May 2010 17:57
Plot Error Bar graph Hi there, I want to plot error bar graph for categorical graph, example meanForGroup1 = 4.3; meanForGroup2 = 4.9; stdevForGroup1 = 2.3; stdevForGroup2 = 2.5; The graph should be an error bar graph: two error bars for group1 and group2, centering at means and ranges as +- 1 standard deviations for group1 and g... 24 May 2010 23:26
Error Bar for categorical data Hi there, I want to plot error bar graph for categorical graph, example meanForGroup1 = 4.3; meanForGroup2 = 4.9; stdevForGroup1 = 2.3; stdevForGroup2 = 2.5; The graph should be an error bar graph: two error bars for group1 and group2, centering at means and ranges as +- 1 standard deviations for group1 and g... 24 May 2010 23:26
Matlab .net interface, calling methods with enum argument "chen li" <Thisdoesnotwork(a)> wrote in message <hba0an$9es$1(a)>... Hi there, I have an .Net assembly loaded into Matlab. Some class contructor requires an argument of enum type. Does the current .net interface support .net enum now? Thanks chen I too would like to k... 24 May 2010 22:20
index manipulation... shifting and rotating I know there are functions like rot90 to rotate a matrix about a point, but you need the the matrix. I only have the linear index values of the matrix. I can easily shift the indexes by adding or subtracting either row or column values... but what if I wanted to rotate by 90 or 180 degrees... is this possible with ju... 25 May 2010 19:04
How to take off the double ytick in plotyy Hi all, Have you bump up a problem about "double ytick" when using plotyy? I got two yticks in the right axis and the second is the one I want. The first yticks belongs to left axis and I want to take it out. Can you please let me know how to tackle this question? Thank you! ... 24 May 2010 22:20
String Manipulation Hello All, I have some data in a file of which some comes under Log Peak-Valley Data whereas the other comes in Log Timed data. I want to read the data only from Log Peak-Valley data and ignore the one from Log Timed data and other paramters also as given below. I have got the code for extracting all the numbers ... 25 May 2010 15:45
[Simmechanics] build spring damper mass system with nonlinear I am currently trying to build following EOM by using Simmechanics. m*x_doubledot + b*x_dot + k(1-e^(-x))=0 I am facing difficulty due to third nonlinear term. Anyone shows how to build this to get x , x_dot and x_doubledot? Thank you in advance! ... 24 May 2010 21:15
Euclidean distance hi all how to get the Euclidean distance between two vectors using dist function lets say we have a=[1 2 3] b=[4 5 6] how can get C=dist(a,b) ?? I tried to use dist but got this error: ??? Error using ==> dist>apply at 118 Inner matrix dimensions do not match. Error in ==> boiler_weight at 38 result = appl... 25 May 2010 10:11
Minimizing multi-variable function Hey guys, I need to minimize this function: theta = acosd(sind(delta)*sind(phi)*cosd(beta)-sind(delta)*cosd(phi)*... sind(beta)*cosd(psi)+cosd(delta)*cosd(phi)*cosd(beta)*cosd(omega)+... cosd(delta)*sind(phi)*sind(beta)*cosd(psi)*cosd(omega)+cosd(delta)*... sind(beta)*sind(psi)*sind(omega)); to be... 25 May 2010 17:57 |