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matlab code for energy detection spectrum sensing in cognitive radio using AWGN channel
I am new to matlab . I an doing my project on implementation of n ratio logic based cooperative sensing using double threshold energy detection . can anyone please send me the matlab code for this or for simple single energy detection implementation (so as to get my roots strong)........ ... 23 May 2010 17:56
How to get application root path?
Hi. How to get the root path for my application (guide) For example: d:\samples\code\start.m How can I get the root whole path from code start.m while running start.m (without writting it like p='d:\samples\code\') I want something like p=getApplicationRootPath(); Thanks. ... 23 May 2010 17:56
p-values for crosscorrelation?
Hi, I am elsa and i have problem with my master thesis and i need your support! I am working with time series analysis. I wanted to calculate the cross-correlation of time series and i used the crosscorr but i don't know how to calculate the p-values for each delay.Somebody told me to calculate p-values with corrc... 25 May 2010 02:39
Creating a vector from sub vector
Hi all, I have a 3x1 column vector and I want to build a column vector of size (n). Example:- Assume a=[1+j*0 ; -0.5000 -j*0.8660 ; -0.5000 + j*0.8660] How can I build a column vector say (b) of size (n=12) form vector (a)? vector b should look like: b=[1+j*0 -0.5000 -j*0.86... 23 May 2010 15:45
Perron eigenvector
hi, Is there's a matlab function that calculates the Perron vector of a matrix ? (the eigenvector that corresponds to the "Perron root" or the "Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue") ? thank you, D ... 23 May 2010 17:56
automatically write m files from script
Hello all, I have an interesting issue from my perspective. I have a program that calls a series of mfiles and uses a toolbox I did not build to solve a given problem. In order to use a certain function of the toolbox, I need the function definition line of an output mfile to read: "function [out_1 out_2 out_3... 23 May 2010 14:39
oqpsk code
Hello guys, i am looking for the basic modulation code of OQPSK modulation for Matlab. I have already written the code of QPSK but i cant understand the difference between this code and the OQPSK. Does anybody have a clue to help me? ... 23 May 2010 14:39
matlab multiplication program
i have below program for matrix multiplication: [m,n]=size(a); [k,l]=size(b); c=zeros(m,l); for i=1:m, for j=1:l, for p=1:n, c(i,j)=c(i,j)+a(i,p)*b(p,j); end end end i need to define a and b as a(x) and b(x), but then matlab returns this error: ----------------------------------... 24 May 2010 10:07
Simulink Waveform Viewing Help
I'm new to using Simulink (and Matlab too), and there is something I haven't been able to figure out how to do. I've built up a system in Simulink and have various outputs of the system connected to a scope which shows a X-Y graph of each output. I'd really like to be able to view the outputs in a manner similar to a... 23 May 2010 13:33
invariant function
hi, i want implement a affine invariant function with this formula: Fi,j(t)=Wix(t)Wjy(t)-Wiy(t)Wjx(t) where i is not equal j and Wix(t) is wavelet transform of signal x(t) for a certain dyadic scale level i. i use matlab toolbox with this code: function d=w(signal,level) [c,s] = wavedec(signal,level,'db1'); d=d... 23 May 2010 13:33
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