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Need your help for matrix calculations Hi there, If I have this matrix: U1=[22 22 22 22; 66 77 88 99; 10 11 12 13; 14 15 16 17; 0 0 0 0] and U2=[0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 0] Then I want calculate U3 which is equal to: ___________________________________ for j = 1:a for i = 2:b-1 if (j==1) U3(i,j)=( U1(i,j+1)+ U1(i-1,j... 24 May 2010 20:09
global fit I have an m x n matrix where every row can be fit with a1*exp(-k1*t)+a2*exp(-k2*t)+... exponentials, and I like to find the a, k set which gives the best fit for the hole surface. I was thinking to use lsqnonlin or lsqcurvefit but I cannot find the way how to use it for a problem like this as ydata should be a ... 24 May 2010 11:13
fprintf hexadcimal I am trying to control a device via serial port from Matlab.In order to do that I need to send HEX numbers (one number at a time as a byte) via COM port. I am able to open and close the port, successfully. But I am yet to succeed in sending a hex number. For example, to send 3A, I am trying the following datatos... 10 Jun 2010 16:47
Microsoft compiler When creating a MATLAB stand-alone feature, the command prompt usually opens. This can be suppressed with the command mcc -e <filename.m> -o <filename> However, this is found in the MATLAB compiler documentation: This feature requires the application to successfully compile with a Microsoft Compiler (such as ... 24 May 2010 11:13
Simulating Price using Mean Reverting Process hi, I'm a relative amateur at using matlab and was wondering if anyone could help me with simulating commodity prices using a mean reverting process in matlab. From what I gather, I may have to use HWV object. I would really like some help with using the object and running simulations with it. Any help would be ... 24 May 2010 11:13
Indexing, (:) and var Hi! I'll give a short description of my situation to more easily pose my question. I work with alot of 2- and 3-dimensional arrays and often I want to calculate the mean, median and variance of not the whole image, but particular areas. Suppose we have a 200x200 array A and want to find mean for a 50x50 square i... 26 May 2010 11:20
Problem with ODE system Hi, I need to solve a system of three ODE's; dC1/dt=-r1 dC2/dt=r1-r2 dC3/dt=-r2 where; r1=r1=(k1*K1*K2*Cc*C1*Cco*Ch2)/(1+K1*Cco++K1*K2*Cco*C1+K1*K2*K3*Cco^2*C1+K1*K2*K3*K4*Cco^3*C1) r2=k2 and k1,k2,K1,K2,K3,K4,Cc are constants. I have tried to do this wit standard routine for solving system of OD... 24 May 2010 11:13
How to detect a new coming image Hi, I am working on an Image Processing project where wesort the objects depending on their shapes on a conveyor. The acquisition and the process is done however right now i put the object right in front of the camera and then acquire and process the image and i get the shape of the object. Now what I want to do is... 24 May 2010 11:13
evalin in gui, what is caller? Please help me how to execute evalin function in GUIs Callback. For example (it is only part of code, I konow in this case I don't need to use evalin, it's just simple example of my problem ;): function pushbutton_time_series_Callback(hObject,eventdata, handles) t = getappdata(gcf,'t'); x1 = getappdata(gcf,'x1');... 24 May 2010 10:07
Homework Help me please Hi I'm trying to do homework but not do help me please My homework's center frequency 500 KHz and bandwith 150KHz second order butterworth bandpass to find transfer functions with matlab...Please Help Me first homework and i don't know to use matlab ... 24 May 2010 19:02 |