ED CONRAD'S FAMOUS LAST WORDS -- THE SUPER BOWL . < WASHINGTON, D.C. (Rueters) -- Two specific references to next week's Super Bowl have been discovered in the late Ed Conrad's Last Will and Testament. One chastises the halftime show, claiming that raucous musical "entertainment" has absolutely no business being associated with it. "True footba... 2 Feb 2010 17:04
Another GPS controversy according to the old saying, that "it is fair to say that nobody understand relativity" there will come a time, when you would want not to understand relativity, because you understanding it wrong ! however, it is too late for you now, you still feel you understand relativity no matter what, and also, yo... 2 Feb 2010 17:07
The Lorentz transformation, Minkowski space. On Jan 29, 7:11 pm, socratus <isra...(a)yahoo.com> wrote: The Lorentz transformation, Minkowski space. ===========. The Galilean transformation belongs to each inertial frame. Nope The Galilean transformation fails to preserve Maxwell's equations. Yeup Why the Galilean transformation useless in ... 4 Feb 2010 10:00
The Lorentz transformation, Minkowski space. The Lorentz transformation, Minkowski space. ===========. The Galilean transformation belongs to each inertial frame. The Galilean transformation fails to preserve Maxwell's equations. Why the Galilean transformation useless in the Maxwell's equations? Because Maxwell's equations ( Lorentz transformations) dont... 2 Feb 2010 17:03
De Sitter's experiment and the relative motion of photons with respect to the surface of the star On Jan 28, 11:18 am, John Kennaugh <J...(a)notworking.freeserve.co.uk> wrote: train wrote: De Sitter's experiment that led to the conclusion that the speed of light was constant from the observation of binary stars is described here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Sitter_double_star_experiment ... 9 Feb 2010 11:43
THE ORIGIN OF LIFE AFTER DEATH THE ORIGIN OF LIFE AFTER DEATH Amateurs are inclined to believe that the notion of life after death is perhaps a euphemistic metaphor or even a joke. One scientist told me that in his opinion the notion of an afterlife is the "biggest oxymoron in history". Fact of the matter is that an exhaustiv... 17 Feb 2010 08:51
Simplifying Terms We have 'mass' : Energy or Matter That can be: In Motion or At Rest Which simply means we have: energy in motion or energy at rest + matter in motion or matter at rest So, we don't need to make up terms like 'kinetic' to refer to energy in motion or 'potential energy' to... 25 Jan 2010 09:25
de Broglie's statement and the double slit experiment As far as I know, de Broglie was the first to define wave-particle duality as any moving particle or object had an associated wave (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_de_Broglie). This is exactly what is occurring in nature in a double slit experiment. The 'particle' travels a single path and the associated wave... 23 Jan 2010 19:57
BY GEORGE, LAST WORD ON LENO-O'BRIEN FIASCO . On Jan 21, 9:14 am, Ed <up_yours...(a)hotmail.com> wrote: < Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien AND David Letterman -- together -- don't add up to ONE George Carlin. < Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it. < < -- Ed Conrad <http://www.linoyjoseph.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/ge... 22 Jan 2010 09:31
Empirically, photons have no rest frame. Empirically, photons have no rest frame. ... 21 Jan 2010 21:27 |