From: Daryl McCullough on
george says...
>Daryl McCullough wrote:

>> Quite often, an algorithm is described as a
>> sequence of rules for manipulating figures on a piece
>> of paper.
>That is TM-equivalent; the paper is the tape and the
>figures are the output.

Yes, TM-equivalent in some sense, but not TM-equal.
It's an algorithm, and it is not a Turing machine program.
So not every algorithm is a Turing machine program.
It *can* be turned into a Turing machine program.
That's what Church's thesis says---that every algorithm
in the more general sense can be converted into an equivalent
Turing machine program.

>> Or an algorithm can be given in terms
>> of abacus moves, or in terms of manipulations
>> of index cards or piles of pebbles.
>All of those are so VERY TM-emulatable that it
>is meaningful to speak of a TM as running THE SAME
>algorithm as OPPOSED to the TM-analogue of the algorithm.

Well, I'm not sure what notion of equality you are using
for algorithms.

>"effectively computable function on naturals into naturals".
>DESPITE the fact that Turing's original wording involved functions.

Well, if it's a definition, it's boring. If it's a claim
about what is effectively computable, then it is interesting,
since it could (conceivably) turn out to be false.

It turns out that the class of functions that are computable
using register machines is exactly the same as the class of
function computable using the lambda calculus, which is exactly
the same as the class of function computable using Turing machines,
which is exactly the same as the class of Godel's partial recursive
functions. These were different concepts of "computable function"
that turned out to be equivalent. That's an interesting result.

Daryl McCullough
Ithaca, NY

From: Bhupinder Singh Anand on
On Apr 7, 8:02 am, george wrote:

G>> One thing that misled me in that presentation was multiple ways of
"interpreting" the act of "interpretation". <<G

My apologies for the delayed response, but you had raised a significant
point that, I realised after a while, reflected my own confusion
regarding the formal and linguistic uses of the word 'interpretation'
in my initial post.

Perhaps my refining of the argument - in the light of Herb Enderton's
and, more particularly, your comments - may help highlight this issue
for a more constructive dialogue.

(It may be useful to dustbin my ineffectual attempt to differentiate
between recursive enumerability and algorithmic enumerability, although
some other, interesting, points have, indeed, been raised as a

Can ZF define a consistent model for PA?
Classically, standard, first order PA is interpretable in standard,
first order ZF, in the sense that the axioms of PA translate as
theorems of ZF, and the rules of inference of PA are preserved under
the translation.

However, the significant question arises out of your comments:

Is such translation also a formal, Tarskian, interpretation? More
precisely, can ZF define a consistent model, say Int_ZF, for PA over an
appropriately defined domain?

If so, then, as a consequence of Tarskian satisfaction and truth in a
model under a formal interpretation, the following argument suggests
that every Arithmetical proposition should be decidable in the model
from the axioms of a consistent ZF.

ZF decides all Arithmetical propositions
Let M be a model of ZF. We denote the domain of M by D_M.

DEF1: We define the union of all D_M as the domain, namely D_ZF, of the
interpretation, namely Int_ZF, of PA in ZF.

(In other words, Int_ZF is the model of PA defined by {D_ZF, ZF}. This
should clear up the ambiguity pointed out by you.)

DEF2: We say an n-tuple is an n-tuple of similar ZF-elements if all the
elements of the n-tuple are from the same domain of a model M of ZF.

META-THEOREM: All Arithmetical propositions are decidable from the
axioms of ZF.


(i) Now, standard, first order PA is interpretable in standard, first
order ZF, in the sense that the axioms of PA translate as theorems of
ZF, and the rules of inference of PA are preserved under the

(Classically, this is expressed as the assertion that ZF is an
extension of PA.)

(ii) Following Tarski's definitions of the satisfaction and truth of a
formula (say [R]) of a formal system of Arithmetic (such as PA) under
an appropriate interpretation (say Int_ZF, where the domain, D_ZF, of
the interpretation is the class of all elements that satisfy the axioms
of ZF), we define:

An atomic PA-formula, [R], with n free variables (and no quantifiers),
is "true" under the interpretation Int_ZF, if, and only if, the
corresponding, interpreted, ZF-formula [S] is "satisfied" by every
n-tuple of similar ZF-elements in the domain, D_ZF, of the

(Tarskian definitions of the satisfiability, and truth, of other
compound and quantified PA-formulas, follow as usual.)

(iii) Clearly, for such conditions of "truth" and "satisfiability" to
hold under the interpretation Int_ZF, they must also hold in every
domain that satisfies the axioms of ZF (i.e., in every model M of ZF).

(iv) By Goedel's completeness theorem for a first order theory, it
follows that - assuming ZF is consistent - the PA-formula, [R], is
"true" under the interpretation Int_ZF if, and only if, the interpreted
ZF-formula, [S], is provable in ZF.

(v) Again, following Tarski's definitions, the PA-formula [R] is
"false" under the above interpretation Int_ZF, if, and only if, [~R] is
"true" under the interpretation Int_ZF; and [R] is "true", under the
above interpretation Int_ZF, if, and only if, [~R] is "false" under the
interpretation Int_ZF.

(In other words, the Tarskian "truth", or "falsity", of a formal
proposition, under a well-defined interpretation, is always decidable
in the interpretation.)

(vi) Hence, if ZF is consistent, then every Arithmetical proposition is
syntactically (i.e., independently of the semantic connotations of the
above definitions of "truth" and "satisfiability") decidable from the
axioms of ZF.

So, either there is a flaw in the above reasoning, or, whilst the set
of provable formulas of ZF is recursively enumerable, the sub-set of
these that represents the true formulas of Arithmetic is not.

(Note that the set of natural numbers is recursively enumerable, but
its proper sub-set of the Goedel-numbers of true arithmetical formulas
is not.)

Regards, and thanks for your comments and observations,


From: george on

Bhupinder Singh Anand wrote:

> Can ZF define a consistent model for PA?
> ========================================

Terminology matters.
"Consistent model" is redundant.
Every model of a theory, just by existing at all,
confirms the consistency of the theory. The issue
is not whether the MODEL is consistent (it is almost
a grammatical error to apply the adjective "consistent"
to the noun "model"), but rather, whether the THEORY
that the model is a model OF, is consistent. If any old
model of a theory exists, then the theory is consistent.

> Classically, standard, first order PA is interpretable
> in standard, first order ZF, in the sense that the axioms
> of PA translate as theorems of ZF,

It bears stressing just what is being translated into what,
there. PA and ZF are in completely different languages.
ZF only has 1 predicate (e == set-membership).
PA is a much more complicated language.
It has 0, +, *, either 1 or successor, and <.
THESE must FIRST be "interpreted" or "translated"
into the language of ZF. THOSE TRANSLATIONS of PA's
axioms -- NOT PA's axioms themselves -- will
then be provable as theorems from the axioms of ZF.
There is more than one possible translation and it
is non-trivial to get it right; that's why HE had to
ask for the best/right version in renewing the thread.

> and the rules of inference of PA

Again, application error.
You cannot apply "rules of inference" to PA.
PA is an axiom-set. It DOESN'T HAVE rules of
inference. Rules of inference are had by LOGICs,
NOT axiom-sets. The logic that we are using in
the context of this discussion is [classical]first-
order[predicate] logic. IT has rules of inference.
It also has directives defining something called a first-
order language (the sentences that this logic's rules
of inference are defined-as-inferring-among should be
phrased in first-order languages). There are *2nd*-order
versions of both of these axiom-sets, but we are here thinking
about and dealing with first-order PA and first-order ZF.
Since the whole framework of our discussion is first-order
logic, that logic's inference rules are being applied to
BOTH axiom-sets and BOTH of their corresponding first-
order languages.

> are preserved under the translation.

In the sense that we are translating from one first-order
language into another, with intent to apply the same rules
of inference to sentences from both languages, yes.

> However, the significant question arises out of your
> comments:
> Is such translation also a formal, Tarskian,
> interpretation?

No. That's why I had to pause to mention two possible
different meanings of "interpretation".

> More precisely, can ZF define a consistent model,
> say Int_ZF, for PA over an
> appropriately defined domain?

ZF can define myriad models for PA. Model-definition
is WHAT ZF IS *for*. It's WHY WE CARE about it. ZF
is the *default* "model-description-language", or meta-
theory, for first-order logic IN GENERAL.

> If so, then, as a consequence of Tarskian satisfaction
> and truth in a model under a formal interpretation, the
> following argument suggests that every Arithmetical
> proposition should be decidable in the model
> from the axioms of a consistent ZF.

It is, but that's not just a property of THAT model:
that's a property of ALL models. If you have a theory
Th and a candidate model Mc, then Mc is not ACTUALLY
a model of Th, the candidate does not WIN election, UNLESS
it in fact decides every sentence of the theory. ANYthing
that leaves some sentence of the theory undecided is, FOR
THAT VERY REASON, NOT a model of the theory. It is at best
a partial specification of a model. Of course, sometimes
in ZF you can fudge this by saying that, sure, your model
decides everything, you just don't YET KNOW HOW it decides
SOME sentences.

> ZF decides all Arithmetical propositions
> ========================================

Well, no, actually, it doesn't.
One problem is that the language of arithmetic
and the language of ZF are different. The other
is that different models of ZF may have different
opinions about some of these questions.

> Let M be a model of ZF.

That's the whole problem: *a* model.
Different models are going to give different answers.

> We denote the domain of M by D_M.
> DEF1: We define the union of all D_M

That is hopelessly ambiguous.
D_M is the domain of M, and M was fixed;
there was only 1 M, and therefore there is only
1 D_M. If you meant over all M, as over all models
of ZF, then you can't do that *in* ZF.

> as the domain, namely D_ZF, of the interpretation,

you mean the domain of THAT interpretation, of your
personal chosen particular interpretation (a great
many others are possible)

> namely Int_ZF, of PA in ZF.

You can't do this in ZF.
can be a model for PA, and for ZF. It's very dangerous
to talk about a model of ZF in ZF. The problem
here is that ZF doesn't have a universal set. In every
MODEL of ZF, though, the domain IS the universal set
> (In other words, Int_ZF is the model of PA defined by {D_ZF, ZF}.

D_ZF doesn't exist in ZF; it would have to be the universal
set, and ZF doesn't have a universal set.

From: Bhupinder Singh Anand on
On Apr 18, 7:31 am, george wrote:

G>> "Consistent model" is redundant. <<G

You're right.

G>> There is more than one possible translation...<<G

You're right

G>> The logic that we are using in the context of this discussion is
[classical]first-order[predicate] logic. <<G


G>> In the sense that we are translating from one first-order language
into another, with intent to apply the same rules of inference to
sentences from both languages, yes. <<G

Yes, right.

G>> That's why I had to pause to mention two possible different
meanings of " interpretation".

OK, noted.

G>> ZF is the *default* "model-description-language", or meta-theory,
for first-order logic IN GENERAL.


G>> It is, but that's not just a property of THAT model: that's a
property of ALL models.


G>> One problem is that the language of arithmetic and the language of
ZF are different.<<G


G>> Different models are going to give different answers. <<G


G>> If you meant over all M, as over all models of ZF, then you can't
do that *in* ZF. <<G

You're right. The domain D_ZF is not a set in ZF.

G>> ... you mean the domain of THAT interpretation, of your personal
chosen particular interpretation (a great many others are possible) <<G


G>> You can't do this in ZF. <<G

Right, one cannot.

G>> It's very dangerous to talk about a model of ZF in ZF. <<G

Yes indeed. ZF is not the model, but only the language into which PA is
being translated.

G>> The problem here is that ZF doesn't have a universal set. <<G

You're right, it doesn't.

G>> D_ZF doesn't exist in ZF; it would have to be the universal set,
and ZF doesn't have a universal set. <<G

You're right, D_ZF doesn't exist in ZF since the elements of D_ZF are,
collectively, the elements in the various models of ZF. As you have
noted, the domains of the models of ZF need not, and, possibly, cannot
be in ZF. The domain D_ZF can, perhaps, be viewed as a mathematical
object that is similar to a proper class of NBG (in which ZF can be
translated co-consistently).

The properties of D_ZF that we appeal to are only those that are
essential for any of its elements to be a member of some model of ZF;
they need not be necessarily set-theoretic.



From: george on
BSA> The domain D_ZF can, perhaps, be viewed as a mathematical
> object that is similar to a proper class of NBG (in which ZF can be
> translated co-consistently).

This is not going to work.
ANY infninite set CAN be MADE to be the domain of *a*
model of ZF. ZF has a model whose domain is the natural
numbers, in which every set, no matter how huge and uncountable
it may be, is encoded as a natural number. There is NO SUCH THING
as "D_ZF". ANY infinite set can be the domain of *a* model of ZF.

> The properties of D_ZF that we appeal to are only those that are
> essential for any of its elements to be a member of some model of ZF;

Then that is no properties at all; no properties are essential to that.
Any infinite set whatever, REGARDLESS OF THE PROPERTIES
OF ITS ELEMENTS, can be the domain of a model of ZF. Practically,
the only property its elements need to have is that we know countably
infinitely many different names for them and can tell them apart.

> they need not be necessarily set-theoretic.

I don't think you know what you mean by "set-theoretic".
Your left big toe becomes set-theoretic as soon as you
define a model of ZF that interprets your left big toe
as the empty set.

We have somewhat lost the original thrust of your argument,
which was, basically, that by translating PA into ZF,we can
decide arithmetic. You were apparently hoping that some
individual model of ZF would decide the sentences that
PA didn't prove or disprove. Well, it will, but that is no help,
because every individual model of PA *also* decides the
sentences that PA itself (as an axiom-set) fails to prove
or disprove. What it means for a sentence (over the language
of PA) to be undecidable (from PA) is that some models of PA
decide it one way, and other models of PA decide it the other way.
Translating PA into ZF won't change this. It will simply become the
case that some models of ZF decide the (translated) sentences one
way and other models of ZF decide them the other way. ZF itself
was already incomplete purely by virtue of being more complicated
than PA.

The interesting question becomes, is there even ONE undecidable
sentence of PA that becomes decidable under ZF after you translate it.
And even this may not have a clear answer since there is more than one
possible translation. In any case, talking about D_ZF as some union
of domains of models of ZF is not going to help; if it is big enough
to achieve any relevant mode of generality then it is too big to exist
(in ZF), and if it is not, then you can get a different answer just by
the domains that it left out.

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