From: Hanspeter Spalinger on
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Am 26.07.10 15:35, schrieb Panayiotis Karabassis:
> Sorry but I am somewhat of a newbie.
> CamaleĆ³n wrote:
>> I'm not sure what are your goals with this step because the router
>> hasn't to resolve local dns queries, but bind9 :-?
> Don't connected computers resolve dns queries at the router? My goal is
> to make all computers on the local network automatically use my bind9
> server.
>> How are you exactly querying the router? Did you added the router's
>> local IP into the DNS zone?
> With 'nslookup'. I don't know much about
> DNS. I attach my zone files.
Can you login to your router? Webinterface?
If the webinterface has a ping tool, try ping some name ( for
example). See if your router can resolve those names itself.
Try ping your servers IP too, can your router reach it?

if you can login, and have some sort of dig or nslookup, you should
check if it can reach your server (dig @serverIP somename). Check both,
with and without your servers ip as parameter.

During those checks, you maybe want enable your servers querylog and
check if anything arrives at your server. 'rndc querylog'
check var/log/daemon.log for messages (you should see something about
rndc, else you log somewhere else, check your bind config then)

What is the output if you use 'dig @' at
your lenny server? Anything in the logfile?

Your ultimate goal is to give your server as dns during dhcp setup. This
can be a hard task depending on your router. Hosting dhcp server on the
server machine may be a easy and convient solution. You dont depend on
your router for lan setup anymore (and you can do fancy things with dhcp).
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From: Panayiotis Karabassis on
Thanks to you all! I ended up using a local dhcp server.

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