From: Androcles on

"nuny(a)bid.nes" <alien8752(a)> wrote in message
On Dec 25, 1:41 pm, Tiger Would <theoreticalfo...(a)> wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Dec 2009 04:38:12 -0800, George Hammond wrote:
> > [Hammond]
> > Well that's nothing but anecdotal evidence.
> > Hallucinogenic drugs will do exactly the same thing.
> I've taken LSD hundreds of times and walked in an alternate reality yet
> always returned to my normal boring self. I've been trying to tie God
> and Science together all my life.

I've taken LSD hundreds of times
That explains your lunacy, then.

From: George Hammond on
On Sat, 26 Dec 2009 10:26:03 +1300, "Geopelia"
<phildoran(a)> wrote:

>> [Hammond]
>> Are you kidding madam? Martin Luther was a rabid
>> anti-semite who wrote notorious tracts encouraging people to
>> kill Jews and burn down their houses. In his early career
>> he tried to convert the Jews to Christianity and when they
>> fail to convert he went into a fit of rage and decided that
>> they should all be killed.
>G: In his day most of Europe was anti-semitic.
>Luther was a monk, and would have followed the church's views.
>(Jews aren't the only Semitic race. Arabs are, too. Now that is food for
>thought, today!)
Well I'm sorry but a well known and identified person
like me is not about to engage in a debate about common
knowlege political matters with pseudoananymous Usenet
posters. It's off topic and there's really no point in it.
>>H: The Lutheran Church has publicly apologized a number of
>> times for Martin Luther's anti-Semitic writings. For Christ
>> sake, don't you know anything about personality types? All
>> you had to do was take one look at him to realize that he
>> was a typical anti-Semitic psychotic.
>G: What does a person's appearance have to do with their views on race or
>religion, unless they are tattooed with swastikas or something?
A person's appearance immediately identifies his
personality type.... this is no secret, and once you know
his personalty type you know what his personality clashes
are generally and therefore what his attitudeis likely to be
on most controversial subjects. This is common knowlege and
any flatfoot like Mickey Spillane can tell you all about it.
Don't be naive, society has been discussing this for
thousands of years.... in the old days they used to call the
different personalty types "the gods" and they used to talk
endlessly about the conflicts between "the gods" which of
course was nothing but a euphemistic analysis of personality
clashes in human society. Insteade of Luther they would
have talked euphemistically about "Vulcan" or "Pluto" or
some other representative god.
>G: Do you have a Christmas barbecue at the beach, swimming and surfing, with
>pretty girls in bikinis, in New England?
>I rather doubt it, in your present weather!
You're right about that.... I'm buried under 2 1/2 feet
of snow right now. Thank God I'm only a few blocks away
from a McDonald's and a Burger King or I'd probably starve
to death.
>Conifers can be grown in suitable places in both, Pinus radiata grows well
>here, but these days many people prefer an artificial Christmas tree that
>doesn't drop needles.
H: Cape Cod is covered with Pine trees. You could use any
one of the small ones as a Christmas tree in a pinch.
>Merry Christmas!
H: Likewise I'm sure.
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HAMMOND FOLK SONG by Casey Bennetto
From: George Hammond on
On Sat, 26 Dec 2009 10:32:37 +1300, "Geopelia"
<phildoran(a)> wrote:

>> [Hammond]
>> I'll be the judge of that thank you. In the first place
>> you're not a qualified physicist. In the second place your
>> knowledge of psychology and theology is pretty slim. I
>> happened to be a qualified professional expert in all three
>> fields.
>Are you talking to me? Of course I don't know much. I just ask the ignorant
>But I think you are replying to somebody else.
> Geopelia
I'm dictating this at 120 words a minute without lifting a
finger using Dragon-10. Otherwise I wouldn't even bother to
respond to it if I had to pound a stone age computer with my
As I've suggested before people should at least type their
initials or a least one initial at the beginning of their
posts such as G: For Geopelia or H: for harbinger etc.
All professional level e-mail discussion lists use
brackets such as [Hammond] which is where I picked up the
Not being able to tell who said what in a conversation is
a pain in the neck and so is trying to figure out >, >>,
>>>, >>>>, >>>>> etc.
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HAMMOND FOLK SONG by Casey Bennetto
From: George Hammond on
On Fri, 25 Dec 2009 16:41:50 -0500, Tiger Would
<theoreticalfolly(a)> wrote:

>On Fri, 25 Dec 2009 04:38:12 -0800, George Hammond wrote:
>> [Hammond]
>> Well that's nothing but anecdotal evidence.
>> Hallucinogenic drugs will do exactly the same thing.
>I've taken LSD hundreds of times and walked in an alternate reality yet
>always returned to my normal boring self. I've been trying to tie God
>and Science together all my life.
Only difference between you and me is I succeeded and you
failed. if you have any logical, analytical or scientific
ability how about posting something on topic? I'm using
voice recognition and I don't have to lift a finger to talk
to you.
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HAMMOND FOLK SONG by Casey Bennetto
From: George Hammond on
On Fri, 25 Dec 2009 18:49:45 -0800 (PST),
"bigfletch8(a)" <bigfletch8(a)> wrote:

>To are representative of many who have come befor you, by
>trying to diuscect tissue to find life. I think the whole of Zen was
>written for people like you....Im not knocking you btw. I have no
>doubt in your sincerity.
Well Boffle, I wish we could spend more time talking about
competence rather than sincerity. Sincerity is cheap,
competences expensive.
If I remember correctly you are either a PhD student in
theoretical physics or post doc or something. Correct me if
I am wrong.
Assuming you are a physics postdoc that probably means
that you don't know a heck of a lot about biology. As an MS
in physics the same goes for me. But as any physicist knows
biology is mainly postage stamp collecting compared to
mathematical physics.
Having said that, have you ever had occasion to actually
go and look at how muscles contract? Do you realize there
are little things called "motor molecules" that actually
have two legs and literally "walk along" these microtubules
were talking about. And in the case of muscles they work in
unison like galley slaves rowing one microtubule pasts
another causing the entire muscle cell to contract. For
Christ sakes Boffle, who would have imagined that such a
thing was possible. These molecules by the way have a
molecular weight in the hundreds of thousands of Daltons!
They are apparently proteins that can "walk" on two legs by
changing their conformation!
And another thing Boffle, as you know there has been an
explosion in scientific manpower in the past 40 years, we
must have 10 times the number of scientists now that we had
40 years ago. This means that when something new is detected
there is an army of scientific manpower ready to leap on it
with both feet.
The latest thing is, that they have discovered that these
microtubules are hollow and the dimers in the walls switch
between two different confirmations at microwave frequencies
(Frohlich's frequency). They now believe that this causes
something called "superradiance" in the interior of the
microtubule and optical signals can be transmitted without
any loss over large distances. By the way you'll never
guess who was the first one to discover and publish a theory
of "superradiace" in water: physicist Robert H. Dicke
himself then at Princeton in 1954!
Anyway, Stuart Hameroff met with Sir Roger Penrose in
1994 and Penrose became convinced along with Hameroff that
these microtubules are switching dimer computers optically
interconnected by massless bosons (e.g. optical photons).
Meanwhile another physics genius, Prof. Frank Tipler at
Tulane Published a celebrated book in1994 in which he
pointed out that a large enough computer could actually
resurrect a person to eternal life in virtual reality
(cyberspace) inside the computer. Of course he pointed out
that it would take an astronomically large computer to do
But meanwhile, Penrose and Hameroff have already
discovered that there is a gigantic microtubule computer
already in the brain and that it has the advantage of having
the whole cytoskeleton of the actual real human body built
right into it, so that the size of the necessary computer
is reduced by a double exponential sized factor!
What I'm telling you as one physicist to another is that
the scientific possibility of an actual literal life after
death in "virtual reality" inside the microtubule computer
is a DISTINCT scientific possibility!
How about a competent comment about that rather than
merely a sincere comment?
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