From: Mark on
On Sat, 26 Dec 2009 16:06:00 -0800, George Hammond wrote:

>>> On the other hand, it is possible to completely stabilize
>>> a microtubule against depolymerization by putting a ADP On
>>> the end of it. So who knows, there may be some long term
>>> memory storage at the microtubule level also, but it is not
>>> required for my hypothesis.
>>oooooooooooookay, you're a *complete* fukktard.
>>Mark inventor/artist/pilot/guitarist/scientist/philosopher/
>>scratch golfer/cat wrangler and observer of the mundane.
>>And much much more including wealthy beyond anything you can imagine.
>>My website
> [Hammond]
> No. you're just stoooooooooooooopid. I suggest you go
> back to playing with your airplane and golf clubs like the
> dimwit you are and stop bothering serious scientists like me
> with your jackass halfwit nonsense.

Ooooooooooookay, you're a mentally incapable fukktard.
Mark inventor/artist/pilot/guitarist/scientist/philosopher/
scratch golfer/cat wrangler and observer of the mundane.
And much much more including wealthy beyond anything you can imagine.
My website
From: nuny on
On Dec 26, 2:22 am, Ace0f_5pades <m4de...(a)> wrote:
> On Dec 26, 9:54 pm, alien8er <alien8...(a)> wrote:
> My original context 4 break silence didn't need your imput.

I replied to "Tiger Would". How many nyms you got, anyway?

> no did I consider it for your benefit;

I cannot imagine a single reason I should take seriously the
opinions of those who believe they "walked in alternate realities"
during acid trips.

> I wouldn't even know what is the condition of your grass

Spectacular non sequitur.

Mark L. Fergerson
From: " SNIP HECKLER>" on
X-No-Archive: Yes
On Sun, 27 Dec 2009 14:48:28 -0500
From: " SNIP HECKLER>" on
X-No-Archive: Yes
On Sun, 27 Dec 2009 14:46:16 -0500
From: Paul Hovnanian P.E. on
George Hammond wrote:
> Copyright: George Hammond 2009
> As I've said many times before my best estimate of the
> probability of life after death is only about 30%.

What sort of measurement or analysis do you base that 30% on?

Why not 3%? Or 3ppm?

Paul Hovnanian mailto:Paul(a)
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average minds discuss events,
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