From: eric gisse on
"<SNIP HECKLER>" <> wrote:

> X-No-Archive: Yes
> On Sat, 26 Dec 2009 16:39:27 -0800

I wonder what the point of this is, since it accomplishes nothing other than
reminding people YOU ARE INSANE.
X-No-Archive: Yes
On Sun, 27 Dec 2009 20:33:36 -0800
From: George Hammond on
On Sun, 27 Dec 2009 18:48:38 -0700, "Paul Hovnanian P.E."
<paul(a)> wrote:

>George Hammond wrote:
>> Copyright: George Hammond 2009
>> As I've said many times before my best estimate of the
>> probability of life after death is only about 30%.
>What sort of measurement or analysis do you base that 30% on?
>Why not 3%? Or 3ppm?
Excellent question. Naturally I will immediately answer
any on topic serious and competent inquiry.
Unfortunately, I have to spend most of my time beating
back a horde of nonprofessional and anti-intellectual
hecklers, not to mention not a few atheistic and outraged
The answer to your question is that the actual numerical
probability that I have assigned is based upon a balanced
weighing of the various lines of evidence involved.
Bear in mind that I have been studying the matter for
nearly 30 years, full time, and have in fact published a
major discovery in Psychology (the discovery of the
long-sought for Structural Model of Personality) and have
also discovered and published the world's first bona fide
scientific proof of God.
I only mention all that in order to establish my
credentials in the fields of Psychology and Theology. As
far as Physics goes my credentials are established by the
normal Curriculum Vitae which shows that I have a Masters
degree in Physics.

Okay, having established my credentials in the various
fields which bear on the determining of this probability I
can sum up the situation briefly as this:

1. Historically, the theory of life after death is at
least as old as the Pyramids upon whose walls details
of it remain engraved in miles of carefully chiseled
hieroglyphics where they can be seen to this day.
Furthermore, a psychological and theological
investigation of this long history shows unequivocally
that the root origin of the idea is intimately connected
with the universal human experience of the ordinary
nocturnal dream.
In short, the only reason why the theory appears
plausible enough to have survivedfor 5000 years is that
people are strongly persuaded that the phenomenon of
nocturnal dreaming is significant evidence of something
as yet not fully explained.
This latter fact then tells me as an experienced
physicist and now accomplished psychologist and
theologian that the odds-on probability of their
actually being such a thing MUST lie somewhere in the
low double digits percentagewise. And I would finally
note, that this low double digits opinion appears to be
well inline with average public opinion worldwide.

2. From that assessment of 5000 years of recorded
history on the subject we then move forward into the
scientific argument. And here I am referring
specifically to the cytoskeleton-microtubule-computer
hypothesis. Let's call it the cytoskeleton-brain
hypothesis (CB).
2000 years ago the New Testament writers (St. Paul)
using the scientific language of his day advanced a
rather specific description of how life after death
actually works in I Corinthians chapter 15 vs
35-55. And in what can only be classified now as a
colossal coincidence, it turns out that according to
my investigations (and confirmed by Stuart Hameroff
himself), the CB could very "possibly" resurrect the
body to a "living-virtual-reality" inside the CB, just
exactly as St. Paul described it. St. Paul referred
to it as a "Spiritual body" in the New Testament.

3. Therefore, in my considered opinion, the historical
probability, which I assume to be no more than say
15% judging from historical, public and professional
opinion, is now raised by virtue of this
cytoskeleton-computer possibility to something more
like a 30% probability. Simply because the
historical belief which obtained at least a 15%
credibility with world opinion, now has a plausible and
indeed even remarkable scientific explanation. In
short, The probability has just been DOUBLED by virtue
of the discovery of a plausible scientific explanation.
As you can see, it's really a scientific guessing
game at this point, a sort of "you bet your life" kind
of guessing game. And my guess is that the probability
of a real life after death is somewhere around 30%.
Now 30% is a long long ways from 51% and even 51%
is a long ways from a sure thing. On the other hand
given the import of the matter, a quite credible
probability of 30% is something that simply cannot be

Hope that goes some ways towards answering your question.
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HAMMOND FOLK SONG by Casey Bennetto
From: George Hammond on
On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 15:49:44 +1300, "Geopelia"
<phildoran(a)> wrote:

>>>How can you have 13 symmetry axes in a cube? Everything in a cube seems to
>>>go in even numbers, six sides etc.
>>>But the proof would be way above my head anyway.
>> [Hammond]
>> You don't need any proof, you can draw it with paper and
>> pencil. There are 13 of them all right. You can see a
>> picture of them here taken right out of the Encyclopedia
>> Britannica:
>> If you count them, you'll find that there are exactly 13.
>I make it 6 of a, 8 of p, 12 of d
>Do you count the point in the middle with d to get the 13?
Congratulations, you got the right answer, 6+8+12=26.
Only problem is you're counting both ends of each axis.
You need to divide by two, 26/2 = 13.
These are called the "rotational" symmetry axes of the
cube. If you rotate the cube, 90� or 120� are 180� around
these various axes the cube rotates back into itself again,
which is why they are called "symmetry axes".

>> Believe it or not, if you take 200 adjectives out of a
>> dictionary that are used to describe human personality, and
>> give them as a checklist to use to describe a given person's
>> personality; rating them on each word from 1 to 10, and then
>> compute a 200 x 200 correlation matrix of the words it turns
>> out that a computer will find that there are ore EXACTLY 13
>> EIGENVECTORS in that 200 x 200 correlation matrix.
>> Amazingly, the reason for this is that the brain is
>> actually CUBIC which you can see in this diagram here, which
>> was drawn by me:
>> This is exactly where the 12 OLYMPIAN GODS (13 actually)
>> come from!
>> And anyone who does not believe that that is a stunning
>> scientific discovery must have a hole in his head!
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HAMMOND FOLK SONG by Casey Bennetto
From: George Hammond on
On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 15:49:53 +1300, "Geopelia"
<phildoran(a)> wrote:

>> [Hammond]
>> Well I'm definitely Thoth the "messenger of the gods" as
>> it were which you can tell from my posts.
>> Anubis was the protector of the dead and the Guardian of
>> tombs. It was the chimerical monster Ammit which devoured
>> the heart of the evil doers at the last judgment, not
>> Anubis.
>Thanks, I see I'll have to look into Egyptian religion more closely.
I've been studying ancient Egyptology, especially the
ancient Egyptian religion, for nigh onto 30 years.
You have to appreciate that the Jews learned about
religion in Egypt especially monotheism under Akhenaton .
The last book Freud ever wrote was called _ Moses and
Monotheism_ in which he advanced the theory that Moses was
either an Egyptian or half Egyptian and half Jewish, and
that as such he essentially gave the Israelites a
watered-down version of Akhenaton's monotheistic Sun God
religion and then the Jews renamed Aten the supreme deity,
Yahweh, which was the name of a volcano god that they picked
up in Midian on their way back to the promised land .
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