From: Jaimie Vandenbergh on
On Sun, 18 Jul 2010 08:06:05 +0100, peter(a) (Peter
Ceresole) wrote:

>I have a Palm data file on which I want to change some things.
>Get info tells me that I have read and write access, and that 'staff'
>has read only, 'everyone' has read only too.
>This turns out to be a pain in the bum, and I'd like to make then read &
>How do I do this? Short of the workaround which is to open it in
>TextEdit, change something, save and quit.
>I guess what I'm looking for is some file altering utility. In the
>ancient days I could use Resedit...

While you're in Get Info you can modify the permissions. Just poke the
Privilege column content and change it. If it's greyed, hit the lock
at the bottom right first.

Cheers - Jaimie
"I do not like the feel of the middle way; and I do not like the smell of
the left hand way" -- J R R Tolkien
From: Jim on
Peter Ceresole <peter(a)> wrote:

> And if I unlock the settings, providing a password, it doesn't work
> either.

Define "doesn't work" in this context - is it not allowing you to change
the permissions, or is it -appearing- to change them but you still get
permissions issues?

"Microsoft admitted its Vista operating system was a 'less good
product' in what IT experts have described as the most ambitious
understatement since the captain of the Titanic reported some
slightly damp tablecloths."
From: Peter Ceresole on
Jaimie Vandenbergh <jaimie(a)> wrote:

> >I guess what I'm looking for is some file altering utility. In the
> >ancient days I could use Resedit...
> While you're in Get Info you can modify the permissions. Just poke the
> Privilege column content and change it. If it's greyed, hit the lock
> at the bottom right first.

I've done all that. It *appears* to work. And the permissions remain the
same- even after providing a system password.
From: Jim on
Peter Ceresole <peter(a)> wrote:

> Jaimie Vandenbergh <jaimie(a)> wrote:
> > >I guess what I'm looking for is some file altering utility. In the
> > >ancient days I could use Resedit...
> >
> > While you're in Get Info you can modify the permissions. Just poke the
> > Privilege column content and change it. If it's greyed, hit the lock
> > at the bottom right first.
> I've done all that. It *appears* to work. And the permissions remain the
> same- even after providing a system password.

You could always try something like


Never used it myself though, so can't say if it will work.

"Microsoft admitted its Vista operating system was a 'less good
product' in what IT experts have described as the most ambitious
understatement since the captain of the Titanic reported some
slightly damp tablecloths."
From: Chris Ridd on
On 2010-07-18 08:35:30 +0100, Jim said:

> Peter Ceresole <peter(a)> wrote:
>> And if I unlock the settings, providing a password, it doesn't work
>> either.
> Define "doesn't work" in this context - is it not allowing you to change
> the permissions, or is it -appearing- to change them but you still get
> permissions issues?

I'm confused too.

Peter may also need to change the permissions so the parent directory
is writable.


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