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NAT on a 1750 with 12.3(26)
Hello all... I am trying to put an older box to good use. It is a 1750 router with an ADSL card for my home Internet. I have a static IP to provide ssh access to one of my PCs. The Dialer and PPPoE is working perfectly, and after a reboot all my "ip nat inside source static tcp [LAN IP] 22 [WAN IP] 22 extend... 7 Oct 2009 08:31
Program to show what's attached to network switches ->
James Harris writes: Thanks for putting this up! Did you send your improvements to Tobi? [...] I'm not in a position to do further work on the program at present but as long as the interface to the SNMP support libraries has not changed it should still work ... 25 Sep 2009 10:49
Program to show what's attached to network switches ->
In case someone else finds this useful here is a Perl program to report on the devices attached to network switches. It was derived from Tobias Oetiker's cammer and has added further information about each device. To use it you need to know SNMP read-permission comm... 25 Sep 2009 11:56
When is RELOAD not the same as a power off/on?
Hi Folks, A generic question here. At a remote site I recently had a BRI issue for a Cisco Call manager (4.1) Voice to PSTN Gateway where INBOUND PSTN ==> Router calls would NOT succeed, the PSTN reported "number not available" to the caller, but OUTBOUND Router ==> PSTN calls would work fine. Extensive RE... 24 Sep 2009 21:45
T1 Serial Problems
I've installed two cisco 1841 routers with csu/dsu cards in them to support a closed circuit t1. The configuration for the serial port is as follows: Router A: interface serial 0/0/0 ip address ip access-group 101 in ip access-group 102 out encapsulation ppp service-modu... 29 Sep 2009 11:51
Config T1 with routed block
Hello all, I have a Cisco 1721 with a T1 WIC and two ETH WICs. My ISP has configured the router with a static IP and I'd like to use my block as well. Here is what they have given me: Routed Block IP address: Gateway: Any ideas? Thanks ... 16 Sep 2009 08:25
I am using 3560 switches in a large school network I want to create 3 Vlans 1: Students 2: staff 3: Guests Some of the wired ports could have any of those plug in Is it possible to assgin them to a Vlan by the MAC address or the login in details Also for wireless AP's can I make different SSID'... 16 Sep 2009 16:20
I have an ASA5510 and I am running into problems setting up the SSL VPN I am getting the following error when trying to connect Cisco VPN Client Download The installer was not able to start the Cisco VPN Client. Clientless access is not available. Has anyone else had this problem before? ... 14 Sep 2009 15:17
Garbage in 2620xm router rommon and error messages
I have a 2620xm router that has some lingering config left in rommon that looks like it was trying to boot from tftp. I can use an unset to get rid of the tftp ip info but I have garbage in the environment variables that I cannot delete ( see below) I also am getting these messages popup on my console that are... 21 Sep 2009 21:26
SNMP and Cisco
The Doctor wrote: Right, All I want to do is have a FreeBSD server MRTG monitor my 3845 router. I am not that familiar with SNMP. What is the recipe? ... 8 Sep 2009 15:55
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