How do you create a PDF by copying a page in an HP printer/copier? On Sun, 14 Feb 2010 16:57:04 -0500, aemeijers wrote: Of course, until you figure it out, you could always just take the document down to Kinko's or someplace, and have them scan it to a thumb drive or disc for you. Actually I ended up taking a photograph of the document and then printing that photograp... 17 Feb 2010 00:22
onOne plug-in suite 3 with CS4 A local computer shop has a close-out price on a sealed copy of onOne plug- in suite 3. Can anyone offer hands-on experience regarding suite 3 compatiblity with CS4? The box says 'CS2, CS3 ... and later', but I've had other plug-ins that don't really work with updated versions of CS, despite label promises. ... 14 Feb 2010 21:51
Canon holds 20-year undefeated record with the new 1d MkIV !! On Feb 15, 10:13 am, "Larry Thong" <larry_th...(a)> wrote: Yes folks it seems Canon does it again just in time for the Olympics! I don't know how they did it, but they managed to screw up the autofocus in their new flagship camera. < 15 Feb 2010 05:25
Apple fleecing the sheep (again) Or should that cows come to be milked regularly? "Rich" <none(a)> wrote in message news:kKudnezXWI5MXenWnZ2dnUVZ_jydnZ2d(a) Any retards who paid $500 for an iPhone are good candidates. 500-ipad-for-240/?cn... 14 Feb 2010 15:10
New Jersey Criminal Defense Attorney Charles Novins Fights Cybercrime and Abuse While collecting more apologies for the widely-distributed libel by many formerly anonymous posters, the well-known lawyer from Toms River, NJ, stiil works tirelessly to strike the right balance between the free-flow of speech on the internet and limits on what's acceptable. "The same technology and laws which ... 14 Feb 2010 07:23
213 stores that don't carry Pentax ... 14 Feb 2010 04:08
Nikon falling behind in the entry level Going to be tough for them to address this, seeing as they have nothing above 12 megapixels until you hit $8000. The D90 is long in the tooth, but how do you bring out something with 15-20 megapixels when your pro bodies don't? ... 17 Feb 2010 00:21
Soviet Britain, if you are just a civilian consensual-photography-in-public ... 14 Feb 2010 21:51
World Press photo winners, some good, some lousy ... 13 Feb 2010 22:43 |