Need w/a attachment for Canon A710IS I have a Canon Powershot A710 IS, and as I have a need for some wide-angle interior shots, hoped to be able to buy a wide-angle attachment for it to do this. I know these are pretty hopeless quality, but it would do the job here. Now, I still have the old wide-angle attachment I used to use with my previous Cano... 24 Feb 2010 18:52
Backlash against pro camera prices? Finally?? On Feb 16, 5:45 pm, John A. <j...(a)nowhere.invalid> wrote: On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 13:41:19 -0800 (PST), RichA <rander3...(a)> wrote: Looks like DPreview shaved some points off the D3s review owing to the cost of the camera. The Brit magazines have been doing that for years. I've used the... 25 Feb 2010 17:07
Backlash against pro camera prices? Finally?? Looks like DPreview shaved some points off the D3s review owing to the cost of the camera. The Brit magazines have been doing that for years. I've used the pro Nikons and I love the bodies, the control you have, the responsiveness, but honestly, would owning the D700 at about $2500 really be worth less than half ... 17 Feb 2010 14:30
Backlash against pro camera prices? Finally?? Looks like DPreview shaved some points off the D3s review owing to the cost of the camera. The Brit magazines have been doing that for years. I've used the pro Nikons and I love the bodies, the control you have, the responsiveness, but honestly, would owning the D700 at about $2500 really be worth less than half ... 17 Feb 2010 00:22
Best freeware to create a DVD image on disk directly from JPG, AVI, & MP3 files I'm interested in using as few programs as possible on Windows XP to combine home video (avi), pictures (jpg), and background music (mp3) files into a DVD compilation on the hard drive (video_ts folders). What's the best freeware for creating DVD images on disk? The best freeware I've found so far is... 17 Feb 2010 00:21
Pull ALL of your images off the net, it is open-season on them! People can now use your work at their leisure and they only pay one fee: To the BRITISH GOVERNMENT!!!! ... 18 Feb 2010 22:56
Pentax's new camera colours; excrement and vomit On Feb 15, 6:07 am, "MG" <nos...(a)> wrote: "RichA" <rander3...(a)> wrote in message news:ff24b90f-030b-4c41-ab8d-408f80bed263(a) ... 15 Feb 2010 13:13
Photo of Book Hello: What kind of techniques are you using to take photos of books in close-up? Yesterday I took this photo: Thanks for the technical comments about photography. -- MMYV ... 20 Feb 2010 18:00
Shoddy finishes on Panasonic and Olympus micro 4/3rds cameras RichA <rander3127(a)> wrote: Everyone knows the G1/GH1 finish sucks. The PLASTIC finish wears away Rich hates everything. -- Ray Fischer rfischer(a) ... 15 Feb 2010 04:20
Pentax's new camera colours; excrement and vomit ... 15 Feb 2010 06:31 |