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From: Nebulous on 20 Sep 2009 15:19 On Sep 16, 9:53 pm, Arne Vajhøj <a...(a)> wrote: > Lew wrote: > > Kenneth P. Turvey wrote: > >> I really get sick of these kinds of threads. He didn't say anything > >> that was an attack on you. The idea that new code is more likely to > >> have bugs than old code is simply true... even if you are the best > >> programmer that ever lived. > >> Get a thicker skin. > > > [paranoid delusion and insult deleted] No, Lew is the troll. None of the nasty things that Lew has said or implied about me are at all true. > [false accusation deleted] No, you're the spammer. None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at all true.
From: Nebulous on 20 Sep 2009 15:22 On Sep 17, 3:02 am, Dave Searles <sear...(a)> wrote: > Lars Enderin wrote: > > Lew wrote: > >> Kenneth P. Turvey wrote: > >>> I really get sick of these kinds of threads. He didn't say anything > >>> that was an attack on you. The idea that new code is more likely to > >>> have bugs than old code is simply true... even if you are the best > >>> programmer that ever lived. > >>> Get a thicker skin. > > >> [paranoid delusion and insult deleted] No, Lew is the troll. None of the nasty things that Lew has said or implied about me are at all true. > > Yes, Dave Searles must be Twisted, a k a Jerry Gerrone, etc, etc. > > No, I am Dave Searles. I don't know Jerry. > > > comp.lang.emacs > > No such newsgroup. > > > [vicious insult deleted] No, Lars is the one who's going to hell. None of the nasty things that Lars has said or implied about me are at all true. > "This Twisted character" is not even known to me. A search for recent > posts by "twisted" turns up zilch and one for "Jerry Gerrone" turns up > just three posts Not anymore, not after the stupid flamewar Lew started. > Those two just seem to be stating that some insults aren't true. None of > the three seems worthy of major disrespect, though [implied insult deleted] None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at all true. I have little choice. I can hardly let such libelous statements pass unchallenged, now, can I?
From: Nebulous on 20 Sep 2009 15:23 On Sep 17, 3:03 am, Dave Searles <sear...(a)> wrote: > Kenneth P. Turvey wrote: > > On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 21:33:12 +0000, Lars Enderin wrote: > > >> Yes, Dave Searles must beTwisted, a k a Jerry Gerrone, etc, etc. > > No, I'd never heard of Mr. Gerrone until today. > > > [implied insult deleted] > > Who, Gerrone or me? There seems to be some confusion here. If it's me, then no. None of the nasty things that Kenneth has said or implied about me are at all true. > > I may look at his message ids and see if there is a way to kill any > > message for which he is in the references. These threads are getting > > really annoying. > > People like you keeping on posting flames and off-topic garbage is how > they get that way. Seconded.
From: Nebulous on 20 Sep 2009 15:27 On Sep 17, 9:25 pm, Arne Vajhøj <a...(a)> wrote: > Dave Searles wrote: > > Arne Vajhøj wrote: > >> Lew wrote: > >>> Kenneth P. Turvey wrote: > >>>> I really get sick of these kinds of threads. He didn't say anything > >>>> that was an attack on you. The idea that new code is more likely to > >>>> have bugs than old code is simply true... even if you are the best > >>>> programmer that ever lived. > >>>> Get a thicker skin. > > >>> [paranoid delusion and insult deleted] I am not Dave and Lew is the troll. None of the nasty things that Lew has said or implied about me are at all true. > >> [false accusation deleted] I am not Dave and you're the spammer. None of the nasty things that you have said or implied about me are at all true. > > Are you accusing me of being a spammer? Or that Jerry fella? > > > I don't know about him, but I most certainly am not a spammer, and given > > the severe penalties that accused spammers face, I'm afraid I shall have > > to contemplate taking legal action against anyone who falsely accuses me > > of spamming. > > Bla bla bla. What a cogent and adult response THAT is!
From: Nebulous on 20 Sep 2009 15:28
On Sep 17, 9:27 pm, Arne Vajhøj <a...(a)> wrote: > Daniel Pitts wrote: > > Dave Searles wrote: > >> But that isn't. > > Actually, he only suggests that your opinions might be technically > > unsound. Don't paraphrase or snip relevant discussion, it only makes > > you look bad. > > [suspected paranoid ideation deleted] Seek help. |