From: mmeron on
In article <ididnXpXKuMNG2PZnZ2dnUVZ_tmdnZ2d(a)>, Bob Cain <arcane(a)> writes:
>Orator wrote:
>> Please establish with proof, be it evidence, citation to a reputable
>> study or sound logic, that radiation is actually blocked/absorbed, in
>> other words retained by the molecule. It requires the mechanism for it
>> to hold that radiation and prevent it leaking out.
>Mechanism: until it boinks off a neighbor it moves faster after
>absorption than before it.
The extra kinetic energy a molecule acquires following the absorption
of a visible (or less) photon is quite negligible. The energy is
absorbed into vibrational or rotational degrees of freedom.

Mati Meron | "When you argue with a fool,
meron(a) | chances are he is doing just the same"
From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <1tksf2h4r1vq918q2lqrrekev6mn0om8um(a)>,
Retief <nospam(a)invalid.invalid> wrote:
>On Tue, 05 Sep 06 14:34:32 GMT, lparker(a) (Lloyd Parker)
>>So the rest is back into the atmosphere. Do you fail to understand your own
>>explanation? Without CO2, that IR emitted by the earth would escape into
>What the hell are you smoking, Lloyd? "Without CO2, that IR emitted
>by the earth would escape into space"!!?? You're kidding, right?

The ir now absorbed by the increased CO2 would. I'm sorry; I thought
intelligent people could follow the discussion.

From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <vlksf2ppvv4ui18afhnq052bcotb7i4tmf(a)>,
Retief <nospam(a)invalid.invalid> wrote:
>On Tue, 05 Sep 06 11:18:33 GMT, lparker(a) (Lloyd Parker)
>>Yeah, me and IPCC, NAS, EPA, NOAA, NASA, AGU, ACS, Science, Nature...
>Lloyd Parker once again confuses name dropping with true scientific

You confuse your anger for signs of intelligence.

From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <64uLg.24148$rP1.18372(a)>,
Orator <Orator(a)> wrote:
>Lloyd Parker wrote:
>> In article <fa6jf21pjqsghdh3nqhh9mag085t8qaoot(a)>,
>> Retief <nospam(a)invalid.invalid> wrote:
>>>On Sat, 02 Sep 06 11:49:57 GMT, lparker(a) (Lloyd Parker)
>>>What about that incoming IR that is absorbed, and then re-radiated
>>>back into space, Lloyd?
>> A small fraction. Consider a CO2 molecule as a sphere; only one narrow
>> leads back into space.
>Yes it is such a "narrow angle" and "small fraction" that only some 53%
>of the surface area radiates out to space.

Huh? A CO2 molecule at ground level? You're joking.

>>>Here we see another classic example Lloyd Parker's "scientific proof".
>We certainly do :-)
From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <9huLg.24155$rP1.19832(a)>,
Orator <Orator(a)> wrote:
>Lloyd Parker wrote:
>> In article <1157305288.790272.19240(a)>,
>> "Phil." <felton(a)> wrote:
>>>Retief wrote:
>>>>On 1 Sep 2006 19:06:15 -0700, "Phil." <felton(a)> wrote:
>>>>>Orator wrote:
>>>>>>Fact is if any radiation is blocked at all (no allowed to escape), it
>>>>>>will eventually result in that effect as they claim a cumulative effect.
>>>>>>It is not "strawman", it is the inevitable consequence of the claim
>> made.
>>>>>>Why that is so is that the effect on incoming radiation is never
>>>>>>considered by the GW religion - it brings things back to a balance, when
>>>>>>it IS considered.
>>>>>Except as you've been told many times before it is considered, incoming
>>>>>IR is not blocked it is absorbed.
>>>>Orator did not make the claim that IR was _blocked_, but rather that
>>>>claim was from the AGW supporter and Usenet troll "WFHCS" did. Orator
>>>>simply explained the consequences of _blocking_ this radiation.
>>>>BTW, you forgot to mention that absorbed IR energy is subsequently
>>>>re-emitted -- otherwise you have effectively claimed "it is blocked".
>>>>As I explained previously, it's an energy balance - and not "blocked".
>>>And I wish I had a buck for every time I've explained that to Orator,
>You would end up with $0 in that case.
>> Retief is repeating the same mantra. Hey, maybe they are the same person,
>> Retief the angry persona and Orator the nice clueless one.
>The only "clueless one" here appears to be you. That is why you have a
>need to resort to ad hominem.

Yeah, sure.

>Nor does it matter how many times you or Phil attempt to claim 2+2 makes
>five, it doesn't make it so!

How many times do we have to tell you -- right-wing clap trap ain't science?