From: Weather From Hell, CO2 Storms on
Orator <Orator(a)> wrote in

--This Commercial Message paid for by Exxon Corp.

> If you can't answer those questions, you are admitting to having
> resorted to fiction once again.

From: Hoggle on
kdthrge(a) wrote:
> You hate me and nit pick every little mistake I may make

No, I'm very fair minded. If you ever get anything right I'll
acknowledge it. I am getting a bit bored waiting for that particular
miracle to happen though.

From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <CNqdnYgsx9diJGnZnZ2dnUVZ_r6dnZ2d(a)>,
Bob Cain <arcane(a)> wrote:
>Hoggle wrote:
>> kdthrge(a) wrote:
>>> Evidence of dark spectroscopic bands is not
>>> evidence of heat retention.
>> And here we get to the heart of your ignorance with respect to
>> greenhouse warming. There is no part of the global warming theory that
>> requires CO2 to warm up as a result of IR absorbtion. The only
>> requirement is that the radiation be absorbed and then re-emitted in a
>> random direction. By so doing, it interrupts the outwards path and
>> allows 50% of the radiation to return earthwards and thus remain part
>> of the overall system. Reducing the escape of energy from the system is
>> the only thing necessary for global warming to be a reality.
>At last the heart of the matter. Now, can someone explain, for the
>sake of those like myself who don't know about this stuff, exactly
>what it is about CO2 that gives it special IR absorption properties in
>the wavelengths involved in the earth's re-emission spectrum?
>What are those properties? Are there graphs that can be downloaded
>that depict these absorption properties for various atmospheric gases
>as a function of wavelength normalized to the earth's re-emission

CO2 has vibrational modes whose frequencies fall in the IR region; thus, it
can absorb IR radiation of the corresponding frequencies.

>How can the gas in the trace quantities at which it is present have
>such a large impact on atmospheric temperature?

How can a tiny amount of, say, ricin kill someone?

>How can the low total heat capacity of the atmosphere relative to that
>of the oceans result in significant temperature increase of the

Heat flows from a warm body to a cold one. Sometimes called the zeroth law of

> In analogy with electrical capacitance, what is the ratio of
>that of the oceans to that of the atmosphere?
From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <1156898658.781949.76020(a)>,
kdthrge(a) wrote:
>Hoggle wrote:
>> kdthrge(a) wrote:
>> > Evidence of dark spectroscopic bands is not
>> > evidence of heat retention.
>> And here we get to the heart of your ignorance with respect to
>> greenhouse warming. There is no part of the global warming theory that
>> requires CO2 to warm up as a result of IR absorbtion. The only
>> requirement is that the radiation be absorbed and then re-emitted in a
>> random direction. By so doing, it interrupts the outwards path and
>> allows 50% of the radiation to return earthwards and thus remain part
>> of the overall system. Reducing the escape of energy from the system is
>> the only thing necessary for global warming to be a reality.
>....And here we get to the truth that heat capacity of pure CO2 is
>exactly the same as air and any combined proportions. You hate me and
>nit pick every little mistake I may make, so I will accept your
>acknowlegment that I am correct. You know as well as I do that you
>checked your figures. I least we got that fact out of you Mr.
>....Your next paragraph is the usual non-scientific bullshit that has NO
>laboratory data at all to support it. In fact it is impossible because
>data from careful experiments of the opacity of the atmophere
>absolutely preclude this postulate. The atmophere is opaque, TO ALL

What? If so, the earth would be too hot for life.

>You know that's really funny your statement, " There is no part of the
>global warming theory that requires CO2 to warm up as a result of IR
>Obviously there's no part of 'CO2 as a greenhouse gas' theory that
>needs to be confirmed by science or math either.
> You have no understanding of light or heat. Only reflected radiation
>remains unchanged. Any absorbed radiation is reemited at different
>wavelength and causes warming of the gas in whcih it is aborbed and
>reemited. I know laboratory data means nothing to a theorist like you,
>but the rest of us are concered with facts. Supposition, assumption,
>and made up dynamics, are not science. But of course you can redefine
>English to fit your needs and always avoid the truth.
>Kent Deatherage
From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <hm7Jg.20128$rP1.4962(a)>,
Orator <Orator(a)> wrote:
>Lloyd Parker wrote:
>> In article <z7LIg.19506$rP1.7845(a)>,
>> Orator <Orator(a)> wrote:
>>>Lloyd Parker wrote:
>>>>In article <t3sIg.18969$rP1.7789(a)>,
>>>> Orator <Orator(a)> wrote:
>>>>>Lloyd Parker wrote:
>>>>>>Why is it so hard for you to understand that CO2 is up 36% in the
>>>>>There is another "truthful" but still a dishonest way of saying it. That
>>>>>the increase in CO2 has been 36%, and even that is the highest estimated
>>>>>figure I have seen. Then take the 36%(or the more conventional 30%) and
>>>>>apply that to the 0.003% of CO2 in the atmosphere, and what do you get?
>>>>>An increase of 0.0009% in the atmosphere!
>>>>>Of course reality doesn't sound dramatic enough to the GW religion
>>>>An increase in your body temp. from 310 K to 313 K doesn't seem do
>>>>either, does it? But you'd be toast.
>>>First of all body temperature isn't measured in the Kelvin.
>> K is the proper way to measure T if you want to look at the energy content.
>Horses for courses, hell you don't even have a horse, and are on the
>wrong track anyway!
>>>Secondly all
>>>that would result in is a fever, and not a particular serious one
>> A 3 K rise is a 5.4 F rise. I think you'd be pretty sick with a 104 F
>I prefer real measurements, as in Celsius. It would would amount to
>about 40 degrees, little babies and children often run temperatures up
>to 42C. It is not till 44C you are in serious trouble, or perhaps dead.

Well, a 3 K increase is a 3 C increase. Remember, a K is the same size as a C

>>>Thirdly it is totally UNrelated to the discussion. It is a
>>>deliberate side tracking the issue! It is also a misrepresentation,
>>>alternately a demonstration of your lack of actual knowledge.
>> It shows that a minor increase in something can have big effects. Didn't
>> ever learn about an analogy?
>It is utter bullshit and has absolutely no bearing on anything in the
>discussion. It belongs in the realm of second hand car salesmen,
>confidence tricksters, and conjurers.
>>>>>>that the only source is human activities, and that this warms the
>>>>>You have no proof of that, and _can_ have no proof of that, as other
>>>>>mechanisms are also know to exist.
>>>>OK, what has come on line in the last 150 years to account for the CO2,
>>>>where has all the CO2 humans produce gone?
>>>The question of CO2 is the wrong question.
>> OK, idiot time I see.
>You have no need to fess up to it, it is blatantly obvious already.
>>>It doesn't prove what you are
>>>out to prove "GW is man made", which is a bogus predetermined answer to
>>>a question you fear to ask because the answer is ridiculously simple.
>>>See below.
>>>The correct question is:
>>>"What has come on line in the last 150 years to account for the GW"
>> OK, what?
>>>Answer: The end of the Little Ice Age.
>> Happened longer ago, and wasn't global anyway.
>The LIA ended at the end about the 1890's. You are again wrong claiming
>"local". Where is your proof of that allegation?
>>>As for your "where has all the CO2 humans produce gone?", you have to
>>>first be able to calculate what that is. It cannot be calculated so you
>>>have no question to put in the first place!
>> Yes it is. It's known.
>Wrong, it is impossible to know.

Google it; you'll find people do know it.

>You do not have the data to work with.
>But let us test this claim of yours. This is your opportunity to shine
>and show off your knowledge!
>IF you have the data, you can tell me how much fuel was burned in per
>head of population in India. Know how many people there were in India at
>the time. Know the type fuels they burned. You need only give an annual
>figures for the decades 1870 to 1890.
>If you can't answer those questions, you are admitting to having
>resorted to fiction once again.