From: Weather From HELL!!! CO2 Storms!!! on
BlithelyAcceptTheDominantParadigm <paradigm(a)> wrote in

> z wrote:
>> kdthrge(a) wrote:
>>>Here is a site that discuses the fact that the analyses of the heat
>>>system of the earth is not an exact science. The fact is established
>>>however, that there is a heat source that is not determined within the
>> Are you actually suggesting that heat from the INSIDE of the earth is a
>> significant factor in the climate at the surface and in the atmosphere?
>> On my planet, the only times the ground isn't COOLER than the
>> atmosphere is when it's obviously being heated by the sun.
> This is a reflection that the net longwave still leads to pretty good
> cooling at the surface at most times at most places.
> That is not however a measure of the significance or insignificance of
> terrestrial heat. Better are models and measurments which put
> the flux at relatively low ( around 0.05 W/m^2 ) levels.

All that ground heat is the reason why there is never ever ever any snow
on Earth Surface, right? It's the reason that ice ages are impossible and
never happened, right?

Thught so. Thanks for making that clear.

Global Warming: a worldwide plot by the Earth's scientists to make
Republicans look really really stupid.

From: Ben Newsam on
On 22 Oct 2006 12:15:54 -0700, kdthrge(a) wrote:

>If you could do the simplest math you would know

.... Go on then, I dare you.
From: kdthrge on
Ben Newsam wrote:
> On 22 Oct 2006 12:15:54 -0700, kdthrge(a) wrote:
> >If you could do the simplest math you would know
> ... Go on then, I dare you.

the mass of the earth is 5.9E27 grams,
If you consider average molar weight about 30, this is 1.99E26 moles
Heat capacity for solids is about 25.1 joules per mole/deg
4.9E 27 joules per degree is about the molar heat capacity of the earth
to raise the temperature 1 degree

4.9E 25 joules must be aquired and NOT LOST each year for 100 years to
increase the temperature 1 degree
Radius of earth 6300 km
surface area of the earth approx. 4.9E14 sq cm
1.0E11 joules per sq cm per yr

this is 3170 joules per second per sq centimeter = 3170 watts cm-2
This equates to raising the temperature at the very surface of the
1537 degrees C, to 1870K for 100 years to raise the mean temperature 1

I don't believe it has been demonstrated that CO2 has these properties
of heat retention especially at concentrations of about 400 ppm or
..0004 with relative change caused by humans perhaps 30 percent in 150
years. or about .0001. If all normal life is disrupted in order to stop
CO2, perhaps 30/100...{ .3 x .0001 = .00003 }

The greatest we can affect the CO2 levels then is) {because?}.00003
change of the concentration of CO2 to increase the temperature AT THE
SURFACE to 1870K, which could raise the mean temperature of the earth 1
degree in 100 yrs????.
Global Warming is a term you can't define!!!!!!!!!

You might go over my rough calculations

Kent Deatherage

From: Weather From HELL!!! CO2 Storms!!! on
kdthrge(a) wrote in

> Global Warming is a term you can't define!!!!!!!!!
> You might go over my rough calculations
> Kent Deatherage

Went over your calculations. They suck donkey dong.

On October 1st, 2006 a tropical disturbance east of the Philippines
formed. For two days this weather object burned brighter in the 10.7
micron infrared range than any object ever photographed by the human race
on planet Earth. The central core hot spot was measured to be 306 miles
across. By comparison, the category 5 hurricane named IOKE at it's peak
could entirely fit inside this central hot spot.

Rainfall is an indicator of heat energy as it requires 600 calories per
gram to convert from the liquid state to the vapor state. By measuring the
rainfall rate one can derive the minimum amount of energy required to have
produced that rainfall vapor out of the oceans in the first place. In this
case, over a 70,000 square miles of ocean, a minimum of 276 megatons of
TNT equivilent each peak hour can be derived. The largest nuclear blast
humans ever created was 55 megatons, admittedly concentrated in a much
smaller spot and much shorter duration.

For at least 48 hours Tropical Storm Bebinca flared at outrageous
dissipation of heat energy, each hour processing five times the energy of
humanities largest hydrogen bomb. Bebinca never made it to hurricane
strength, nece even got winds over 50 miles per hour.

Bebinca did not rain out where it formed, and days later arrived at Prince
Williams Sound and the Coast of Alaska, where it rained 22 inches in 48
hours at Cordova, Alaska, with the waters flooding three feet deep on the
airport. Several more days later Bebinca dropped 24 inches of snow at
Buffalo, New York.

We don't have good data about how wide the storm was when it was in
Alaska. We do know they received 9 inches of rain at Valdez, some 52 air
miles from Cordova. The process of gathering up the data is ongoing as
these events just recently occurred.

Just one square mile of Cordova receiving 22 inches of rain constitutes
(5280 x 5280) 27878400 square feet. Rain to 22' = 1.83 x 12" = 51110400
cubic feet of rain, which converts to 1.447285e+012 CC or cubic
centimeters which equals grams of water times 600 calories per gram latent
heat of fusion = 868.371e12 calories = 3635696 gigajoules = 3.445975e+012

That's just one of the square miles where tropical heat was transported to
the far north. The rainfall at Cordova was 55 degrees farenheit.

A month prior, category 5 hurricane IOKE travelled 4,000 miles from south
of the Hawaiin Islands to just East of Japan and turned Northeast.
Although the winds were died down, massive loads of unspent rainclouds
passed over Alaska into the Bearfort Sea. Ioke was only one of several
tropical cyclones who brought a load of tropical moisture to the Arctic.

In this case we have another event, the melting of the ice in the Bearfort
Sea that tells us the heat energy transported from the tropics to the
Arctic, in fact to the very North Pole itself. The icemelt was a ten-foot
permanent icepack (versus seasonal ice that comes in the winter and goes
in the summer. The ice melt created a lake withing the icepack 38,000
square miles.

From these numbers we can figure the heat energy required to melt the ice.
It takes 79 calories to melt a gram of ice. One liter of rain will melt 13
grams of ice for each degree above 0C that it is.

The heat energy required to melt the ice is 2.295936e16 calories.

2.295936e16 calories = 26701.74 gigawatt-hours of heat energy
2.295936e16 calories = 9.11101e+013 BTUs = 91,110,100,000,000 BTU
2.295936e16 calories = 9.612625e+010 megajoules = 96,126,250,000 MJ

As you can see, this heat exchange is magnitudes smaller, a mere fraction
of the energy of Bebinca, only 23 megatons of TNT

In terms of Nukes the Fat Man and Little Boy atomic bombs (15.08e13

.... 779 pairs of atomic bombs like Hiroshima and Nagasaki going off this
winter in the Arctic. One should reasonably prepare for some energetic
kinetics as a result. A megaton of TNT is 4.184e15 joules =
4.184 petajoules (PJ).

This is 28 million tons of TNT set to blast.

Oil Addicts are Bombing the Arctic with HEAT equal to 1,000 Nukes.
A megaton of TNT is 4.184 ? 1015 joules = 4.184 petajoules (PJ).

96,126,250,000 Megajoules of HEAT = 22.97 Megatons of TNT.

This energy is equal to 637 times the pair of atomic bombs dropped on the
cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined (15.08e13 Joules).

The heat energy now stored in Arctic waters is equal to igniting a
gasoline tanker every minute, day nd night 24 hours per day for 170 days.
But wait, there's more. The Bearfort Sea melt was the little one.

WE have the proof. We have photographic proof. We have satellite rain
measurements where there are no weather stations. We have a new satellite
launched last week, the MetOp-A with 8,000 channels of measuments
including for the first time in human history instruments which can
profile rar gases in the atmosphere with a resolution of 1 ppm accuracy
for CO2.

Death-Rag posts from an account registered in Saint Louis, Missouri, as
allocated to, a corporate internet security service who
offers no public access ISP services to dial-up users.

Death-Rag is a corporate shill serving some corporate paymaster to throw
sand in the eyes and keep the issue confused.

The facts speak loud and clear. If EXXON could find any science worker on
Earth who could do any experiment to get them off the hook for their
liability for damages caused by the pollution from their products they
would pay millions of dollars to get that experiment done. We know that is
true because the record shows they paid over $12 million dollars hiring
lie factories like CATO Iinstitute, Competitive Enerprise Institute and
TechCentralStation to throw sand in peoples eyes. It's not because of
poverty that EXXON never did the experiments.
From: Weather From HELL!!! CO2 Storms!!! on
kdthrge(a) wrote in

> Global Warming is a term you can't define!!!!!!!!!
> You might go over my rough calculations
> Kent Deatherage

Went over your calculations. They suck donkey dong.

On October 1st, 2006 a tropical disturbance east of the Philippines
formed. For two days this weather object burned brighter in the 10.7
micron infrared range than any object ever photographed by the human race
on planet Earth. The central core hot spot was measured to be 306 miles
across. By comparison, the category 5 hurricane named IOKE at it's peak
could entirely fit inside this central hot spot.

Rainfall is an indicator of heat energy as it requires 600 calories per
gram to convert from the liquid state to the vapor state. By measuring the
rainfall rate one can derive the minimum amount of energy required to have
produced that rainfall vapor out of the oceans in the first place. In this
case, over a 70,000 square miles of ocean, a minimum of 276 megatons of
TNT equivilent each peak hour can be derived. The largest nuclear blast
humans ever created was 55 megatons, admittedly concentrated in a much
smaller spot and much shorter duration.

For at least 48 hours Tropical Storm Bebinca flared at outrageous
dissipation of heat energy, each hour processing five times the energy of
humanities largest hydrogen bomb. Bebinca never made it to hurricane
strength, nece even got winds over 50 miles per hour.

Bebinca did not rain out where it formed, and days later arrived at Prince
Williams Sound and the Coast of Alaska, where it rained 22 inches in 48
hours at Cordova, Alaska, with the waters flooding three feet deep on the
airport. Several more days later Bebinca dropped 24 inches of snow at
Buffalo, New York.

We don't have good data about how wide the storm was when it was in
Alaska. We do know they received 9 inches of rain at Valdez, some 52 air
miles from Cordova. The process of gathering up the data is ongoing as
these events just recently occurred.

Just one square mile of Cordova receiving 22 inches of rain constitutes
(5280 x 5280) 27878400 square feet. Rain to 22' = 1.83 x 12" = 51110400
cubic feet of rain, which converts to 1.447285e+012 CC or cubic
centimeters which equals grams of water times 600 calories per gram latent
heat of fusion = 868.371e12 calories = 3635696 gigajoules = 3.445975e+012

That's just one of the square miles where tropical heat was transported to
the far north. The rainfall at Cordova was 55 degrees farenheit.

A month prior, category 5 hurricane IOKE travelled 4,000 miles from south
of the Hawaiin Islands to just East of Japan and turned Northeast.
Although the winds were died down, massive loads of unspent rainclouds
passed over Alaska into the Bearfort Sea. Ioke was only one of several
tropical cyclones who brought a load of tropical moisture to the Arctic.

In this case we have another event, the melting of the ice in the Bearfort
Sea that tells us the heat energy transported from the tropics to the
Arctic, in fact to the very North Pole itself. The icemelt was a ten-foot
permanent icepack (versus seasonal ice that comes in the winter and goes
in the summer. The ice melt created a lake withing the icepack 38,000
square miles.

From these numbers we can figure the heat energy required to melt the ice.
It takes 79 calories to melt a gram of ice. One liter of rain will melt 13
grams of ice for each degree above 0C that it is.

The heat energy required to melt the ice is 2.295936e16 calories.

2.295936e16 calories = 26701.74 gigawatt-hours of heat energy
2.295936e16 calories = 9.11101e+013 BTUs = 91,110,100,000,000 BTU
2.295936e16 calories = 9.612625e+010 megajoules = 96,126,250,000 MJ

As you can see, this heat exchange is magnitudes smaller, a mere fraction
of the energy of Bebinca, only 23 megatons of TNT

In terms of Nukes the Fat Man and Little Boy atomic bombs (15.08e13

.... 779 pairs of atomic bombs like Hiroshima and Nagasaki going off this
winter in the Arctic. One should reasonably prepare for some energetic
kinetics as a result. A megaton of TNT is 4.184e15 joules =
4.184 petajoules (PJ).

This is 28 million tons of TNT set to blast.

Oil Addicts are Bombing the Arctic with HEAT equal to 1,000 Nukes.
A megaton of TNT is 4.184 ? 1015 joules = 4.184 petajoules (PJ).

96,126,250,000 Megajoules of HEAT = 22.97 Megatons of TNT.

This energy is equal to 637 times the pair of atomic bombs dropped on the
cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined (15.08e13 Joules).

The heat energy now stored in Arctic waters is equal to igniting a
gasoline tanker every minute, day nd night 24 hours per day for 170 days.
But wait, there's more. The Bearfort Sea melt was the little one.

WE have the proof. We have photographic proof. We have satellite rain
measurements where there are no weather stations. We have a new satellite
launched last week, the MetOp-A with 8,000 channels of measuments
including for the first time in human history instruments which can
profile rar gases in the atmosphere with a resolution of 1 ppm accuracy
for CO2.

Death-Rag posts from an account registered in Saint Louis, Missouri, as
allocated to, a corporate internet security service who
offers no public access ISP services to dial-up users.

Death-Rag is a corporate shill serving some corporate paymaster to throw
sand in the eyes and keep the issue confused.

The facts speak loud and clear. If EXXON could find any science worker on
Earth who could do any experiment to get them off the hook for their
liability for damages caused by the pollution from their products they
would pay millions of dollars to get that experiment done. We know that is
true because the record shows they paid over $12 million dollars hiring
lie factories like CATO Iinstitute, Competitive Enerprise Institute and
TechCentralStation to throw sand in peoples eyes. It's not because of
poverty that EXXON never did the experiments.