From: kdthrge on

> KD
> 3/2 kT is considered average kinetic energy and 3/2R then is the molar
> heat capacity of monatomic gas at constant volume
> 5/2R is the heat capacity of monatomic gas at constant pressure.
> Diatomic molecules have heat capacity 5/2R for constant volume, 7/2R
> for constant pressure, (basically)
> The point is that the average velocity increases inverse to the square
> of the average kinetic energy which increases as a direct proportion to
> temperature This average energy of the molecules determines the
> pressure. All energy of the velocities of the molecules is accounted
> for.

theoretical determination of heat capacity
R = 1.986 cal mol-1, deg-1.... R = 8.31 Joule mol-1, deg-1
monatomic gas constant volume 3/2R = 12.5 Jdeg-1,mol-1
monatomic gas constant pressure 5/2R = 20.8 Jdeg-1,mol-1
diatomic gas constant volume 5/2R = 20.8 Jdeg-1,mol-1
diatomic gas constant pressure 7/2 = 29.1 Jdeg-1,mol-1

This is a quote from post 168 of this discussion. For heat capacity of

The specific heat capacity of dry air at sea level (i.e. one atmosphere
of pressure), at 0°C is 1.0035 J g-1 K-1 or 29.07 J mol-1 K-1.

Kent Deatherage

> > > kT times avargardo's number gives molar energy, and gas constant R, for
> > > energy and pressure of the gas at specific volume. This is energy. None
> > > of which is lost or gained. Which is a quantity. All the kinetic energy
> > > of the gas molecules including spin must come from the energy of the
> > > radiation field. The absorbed energy by the gas molecules as their
> > > kinetic energy is the heat capacity. All of your references to IR
> > > frequencies must refer to a quantity of energy. Energy is never lost or
> > > gained, only transfered. And all energy has mass and associated
> > > momentum according to Einstein E=mc^2. All electromagnetic energy has
> > > mass according to this equation. This is a very well established fact.
> > > Established most exactly by the Germans who were trying their very best
> > > to disprove Einstein in the 20's. Heat particulary, is q quantity of
> > > energy and density of radiation field according to Boltzman-Stefan.
> > > Your attempt to dissacociate the motion of the O2 and N2 molecules from
> > > the radiation field is nonsense.

> > > > >

From: Retief on
On 23 Sep 2006 21:16:18 -0700, "Phil." <felton(a)> wrote:

>> dat such as pressure. These experiments can involve general heating, or
>> induction of specific frequencies that you claim cause "warming" if CO2
>> is present.
>You're the one making extraordinary claims so the onus is on you to do
>these experiments!

Actually Phil, you are the one who claimed that the Earth's
temperature would drop by 33 C, without CO2 (contrary to all evidence
that CO2 is only one of many greenhouse gases, water vapor being the
largest contributor).

From: Lloyd Parker on
In article <1159398336.154119.99300(a)>,
kdthrge(a) wrote:
>Lloyd Parker wrote:
>> In article <1159305201.548955.6930(a)>,
>> kdthrge(a) wrote:
>> >> >Quantum mechanics is invalid.
>> >
>> >> Well, gee, guess we're all hallucinating the sun up there and our
>> >> really don't work.
>> >
>> >> You really are a grade-A fool, you know.
>> >
>> >The basic precip of Quantum mechanics is the uncertainty principle
>> >which leads to the uncertainty relation. Within the uncertainty
>> >relation interval of time, it is allowed to devise mechanics which do
>> >not obey the law of conservation of matter and energy. This is quantum
>> >mechanics and why you believe in your superstition of grenhouse gases
>> >which is not scientifically based within the fundamental laws of
>> >physics or experimental data. Your little brain is composed of all the
>> >little things you learned by rote memorization that do not have
>> >underlying mechanics to integrate You idiots certainly cannot account
>> >for the energy that must be radiated by the earth to increase it's
>> >temperature. Stefan-Boltzman equation x 4pir^2 (roughly). You are so
>> >hung up on your idea that slight temperature fluctuation means an
>> >equilibrium that is going to go haywire, you don't bother to calculate
>> You don't believe in QM and you're calling US idiots? I've heard it said
>> insane think they're the only sane ones. Proof positive.
>Here's a link to my website. I have an essay here on the first page
>about quantum mechanics.

So insane people can write essays. BFD.

>When I began this essay, I was only trying to
>list as many completely ridiculous things as I could about QM. It
>became a very long essay. Any one of these points is enough to show an
>invalid theory.

So the sun doesn't shine. We've all been fooled.

>Points which cannot be overcome by the theory and which
>therefore mean failure of the theory. But your uncertainty principle
>frees the faithful of this neo-religion from logic and science and
>physics. Therefore you all go trundling along down your invalid road of
>theoretics, and pay no attention and do not care that you are
>completely invalid.
>You should of stayed in your theoretical world at the college where
>direct science cannot prove you wrong. To apply this bullshit to our
>lives and expect to control our lives to the point of destroying our
>economy and society on your unbased paranoia that CO2 causes global
>warming is CRIMINALLY INSANE, and you chumps will be held responsible
>for your actions.

As I said, the truly insane think they're the only sane ones.

>Kent Deatherage
From: kdthrge on

Lloyd Parker wrote:
> In article <1159398336.154119.99300(a)>,
> kdthrge(a) wrote:
> >
> >Lloyd Parker wrote:
> >> In article <1159305201.548955.6930(a)>,
> >> kdthrge(a) wrote:
> >>
> >> >> >Quantum mechanics is invalid.
> >> >
> >> >> Well, gee, guess we're all hallucinating the sun up there and our
> computers
> >> >> really don't work.
> >> >
> >> >> You really are a grade-A fool, you know.
> >> >
> >> >The basic precip of Quantum mechanics is the uncertainty principle
> >> >which leads to the uncertainty relation. Within the uncertainty
> >> >relation interval of time, it is allowed to devise mechanics which do
> >> >not obey the law of conservation of matter and energy. This is quantum
> >> >mechanics and why you believe in your superstition of grenhouse gases
> >> >which is not scientifically based within the fundamental laws of
> >> >physics or experimental data. Your little brain is composed of all the
> >> >little things you learned by rote memorization that do not have
> >> >underlying mechanics to integrate You idiots certainly cannot account
> >> >for the energy that must be radiated by the earth to increase it's
> >> >temperature. Stefan-Boltzman equation x 4pir^2 (roughly). You are so
> >> >hung up on your idea that slight temperature fluctuation means an
> >> >equilibrium that is going to go haywire, you don't bother to calculate
> >
> >> You don't believe in QM and you're calling US idiots? I've heard it said
> the
> >> insane think they're the only sane ones. Proof positive.
> >
> >Here's a link to my website. I have an essay here on the first page
> >about quantum mechanics.
> So insane people can write essays. BFD.
> >When I began this essay, I was only trying to
> >list as many completely ridiculous things as I could about QM. It
> >became a very long essay. Any one of these points is enough to show an
> >invalid theory.
> So the sun doesn't shine. We've all been fooled.
> >Points which cannot be overcome by the theory and which
> >therefore mean failure of the theory. But your uncertainty principle
> >frees the faithful of this neo-religion from logic and science and
> >physics. Therefore you all go trundling along down your invalid road of
> >theoretics, and pay no attention and do not care that you are
> >completely invalid.
> >
> >
> >
> >You should of stayed in your theoretical world at the college where
> >direct science cannot prove you wrong. To apply this bullshit to our
> >lives and expect to control our lives to the point of destroying our
> >economy and society on your unbased paranoia that CO2 causes global
> >warming is CRIMINALLY INSANE, and you chumps will be held responsible
> >for your actions.
> >
> As I said, the truly insane think they're the only sane ones.

You call me insane for not repeating by rote what you do. This
repetition of things you cannot prove and do not understand is for you
'science', and anyone that doesn't repeat the same things as you is
defined as stupid.

The high priest of the GW CO2 superstition said the other day that the
Earth will warm 2 deg by 2050. There is no possiblity that this can be
caused by CO2.

This is insane. If the average temperature near the surface of the
earth is 287K, 2 degrees equates to about 10 Wm-2. Although this
average is not strictly true, it equates to 5.5E15 Watts for the sphere
of the Earth. 5.5E15 joules per second of actual energy leaving the
Earth at this higher temperature. FROM WHERE?
The truth actually is the Earth radiates at 459Wm-2.

Explain to me your logic that CO2 has the capability of retaining this
quantity of heat to increase the density of the radiation field by this
amount, when you can demonstrate no capability of CO2 to retain any
heat in the laboratory.

However your quantum theory and quantum calculations of the energy that
should be retained by what you believe are 'absorption' bands' still
leaves you believing your fiction of CO2 caused global warming. This is
intelectual detachment from reality or objective rational. Everytime
someone points out a valid point of physical law to you, you say
'irrellevant', ignore them and then present your mechanics which are
not base on fundamental laws of physics. If the law of conservation of
energy could be bypassed, like you do at every point in your theory,
there would be no problem to argue about. No problem with the CO2
produced by combustion of carbon based fuels. Energy would be free.
Just like the heat energy you postulate from CO2 that comes from
nowhere, stays nowhere and goes nowhere.

I think your salary out to be paid in your math. But then the bank
would send you to jail for insufficient funds.

Kent Deatherage

From: Bob Cain on
hanson heckled:

> Take 2 Erlenmeiers, 2 Thermometers, 2 perforated Rubber
> stoppers, put a few cc of water into each, flush one with CO2.
> Plugg'em and expose'm side by side to the sun.
> Record the raise of and equilibrium temperatures. Enough said?...
> I have posted this several times (see above links).... but all you
> green intellects are afraid to do this experiment. Why?

Do you really believe that your little experiment in any way models
the process that supposedly leads to global warming?

I have no opinion on the validity of that purported process because I
don't know nearly enough to evaluate all the factors but I do know
enough to smell that your experiment is a red herring rather than the
elephant in the living room.


"Things should be described as simply as possible, but no simpler."

A. Einstein