From: jmfbahciv on
In article <Wf15h.3585$IR4.3293(a)>,
<lucasea(a)> wrote:
><jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
>> The same thing happened to medical pots of money contributed
>> by employees and their employers. The pool of monies got transformed
>> to insurance companies.
>Now you're catching on. Private insurance companies have profit motive.
>Government bodies that provide for health care don't.

Right. There is no competition and no check on 100% corruption.
Most monies will go to patronage, outright stealing and administration
costs. None will end up buying the real service.

From: jmfbahciv on
In article <u-2dnbLwyb97osjYnZ2dnUVZ8sOdnZ2d(a)>,
"T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
>"Ben Newsam" <ben.newsam(a)> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 10 Nov 2006 15:53:26 GMT, <lucasea(a)> wrote:
>>><jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
>>>> The same thing happened to medical pots of money contributed
>>>> by employees and their employers. The pool of monies got transformed
>>>> to insurance companies.
>>>Now you're catching on. Private insurance companies have profit motive.
>>>Government bodies that provide for health care don't.
>> I have often wondered, re insurance, if I wouldn't get a better deal
>> by going down the local betting shop. In other words, what odds might
>> I get on betting that my house will get burgled in the next year?
>Interesting one - might be worth trying!
>Lots of insurance on electrical goods is madness, and you tend to expect
>that. Cat insurance is also insane - some policies ask for in the region of
>?10 pcm per cat and wont pay for the first ?50. If you take the money and
>put it in a savings account you get the best of both worlds, as long as you
>have the emergency fund for when it needs a ?500 operation...
You would spend $500 on a cat operation? ($ is merely used to indicate
money and not type of currency).

From: jmfbahciv on
In article <X_idnZIHpJT6VcnYRVnyvg(a)>,
"T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote:
><jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
>> In article <455368BB.5A9A6A6C(a)>,
>> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>>>lucasea(a) wrote:
>>>> <jmfbahciv(a)> wrote in message
>>>> > <lucasea(a)> wrote:
>>>> >>And the first reason is going to become ubiquitous as industry is less
>> and
>>>> >>less willing to pay for the health care of its employees.
>>>> >
>>>> > Industry can't afford it.
>>>> Yes, you are correct. It doesn't change the fact that the number of
>> people
>>>> actually having effective health insurance under the current system in
>>>> this
>>>> country is rapidly decreasing toward a limit of zero.
>>>Something similar is happening here wrt pensions too.
>>>I don't think private companies are up to the task of providing critical
>>>services like this very well.
>> Ours are, too. That's because the pensions are transforming
>> from a collected pot of money by the employees into an insurance
>> policy. It's no longer real money.
>> The same thing happened to medical pots of money contributed
>> by employees and their employers. The pool of monies got transformed
>> to insurance companies.
>Which is why a state run system is "better." Part of the problem in the UK
>is our pensions got "privatised" and the providers have to turn a profit.

There is still competition at the level of insurance companies.
Remove that and available medical care will diminish. None of
those service providers are going to work at minimum wage.


From: jmfbahciv on
In article <45536686.8244713C(a)>,
Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>> >jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>> >> hill(a) wrote:
>> >> >Winfield Hill wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> 4200 postings and still going strong. Amazing.
>> >> >
>> >> > Wow, now 7200 posts and still going strong. And most
>> >> > of the posts were under the original subject title. This
>> >> > must be some kind of a record.
>> >>
>> >> I don't think so.
>> >>
>> >> >Certainly it's a stress
>> >> > test for the Google Groups web-page display code, etc.
>> >>
>> >> KEWL!!!! Has there been any glitches?
>> >
>> >None I'm aware of.
>> >
>> >7360 posts and counting.
>> You can't know the correct count. If their counting mechanisms are
>> wrong or there's an exclusion to the count, you can't tell if
>> there's a mistake. This is a problem I've been spending time
>> thinking about. How do you detect something is missing if
>> you don't see it and haven't been told it exists? If I solve
>> this one, the comm world will give me a gold star.
>Since there'e no simple solution I don't waste time worrying about it.

We were paid to solve non-simple solutions.

>It obviously refers to the number of posts on Google's own servers. 7556

I realize that. I was just curious if there had been any glitches
with their software.

From: John Fields on
On Fri, 10 Nov 2006 21:22:21 GMT, <lucasea(a)> wrote:

>"T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote in message
>> "John Fields" <jfields(a)> wrote in message
>> news:1ko8l25obt73evog3kn6g81jeimhc27str(a)
>>>>When Saddam was "arrested," why did the occupation forces remain?
>>> ---
>>> 1. To make sure the country wouldn't fall into worse hands than
>>> Saddam Hussein's.
>> Interesting argument. I assume from this that self determination is not an
>> option in your opinion.
>In fact, many Iraqis seem to think it *did* fall into worse hands than
>Saddam Husseins....

I'm sure.

>>> 2. To rebuild the country.
>> Iran has made the same claims. Why does the US have more right to do this
>> than the Iranians?
>>> 3. To help give the folks there a chance to govern themselves.
>> You need to leave to do that. When a country is occupied it is not
>> governing itself. What you may mean here is to give the folks the chance
>> to set up an acceptable government.
>I wonder if he can honestly not see the hypocrisy in 3.

Sounds to me like you might have a little voluntary reading
comprehension problem.
