From: Eeyore on

unsettled wrote:

> T Wake wrote:
> > It wont be relevant. When I was 18 you could buy a house outright for ?20k.
> > Now you need ten times that amount.
> I bought a bank reposessed house two years ago for
> $15,500. It is an investment house. It needed $1000
> in repairs to make it habitable, and that was because
> the pipes had frozen and burst.
> I can buy similar houses today at a similar price.

In a location where jobs are plentiful at a wage that would meet the repayments
and keep a family ?


From: lucasea on

"unsettled" <unsettled(a)> wrote in message
> Michael A. Terrell wrote:
>> unsettled wrote:
>>>Take the model of hunter-gatherer tribes. They wouldn't
>>>begin to understand a value system that thought they are
>>>just "existing." Still the totality of their posessions
>>>was limited to what they could carry.
>> So? If they had to move, they didn't have to worry about what to
>> leave behind.
> Yes, so very little which took significant investment in
> time and energy, that means wealth in posessions, was
> accumulated. Only such things as they could carry.

And exactly how are these "hunter-gatherer" societies relevant to modern
Western civilization, which is where the people making minimum wage are
actually living?

>> As long as they could eat, clothe themselves and keep a
>> roof over their heads, they had what mattered to them.
> So the definition of "living" as oposed to "surviving" which
> spawned this bit of discussion was clearly invalid

As is this discussion, since the living/surviving distinction was made on
the basis of someone living in and part of modern civilization, not some
disconnected hunter-gatherer society.

> Do you realize how insane the discussions by Lucas, Eeyore,
> Newsam, and Wake are after this point (your posting) in
> time? They're feeding off one another now. I think if
> any opposition to their philosophy stops right here they
> are quite capable of carrying on congratulating one another
> for another 10K posts.

Much like you and Terrell, in this and previous posts?

Eric Lucas

From: lucasea on

"Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote in message
> unsettled wrote:
>> T Wake wrote:
>> > It wont be relevant. When I was 18 you could buy a house outright for
>> > ?20k.
>> > Now you need ten times that amount.
>> I bought a bank reposessed house two years ago for
>> $15,500.

Probably repossessed from someone making minimum wage.... Congratulations,
you have taken over the slum-house of someone too poor to afford any house
and heat.

>>It is an investment house. It needed $1000
>> in repairs to make it habitable,

Barely. Does it pass code? Have you gotten a Ceritificate of Occupancy?
If not, it's *not* habitable.

>> and that was because
>> the pipes had frozen and burst.
>> I can buy similar houses today at a similar price.
> In a location where jobs are plentiful at a wage that would meet the
> repayments
> and keep a family ?

This house was owned by someone who couldn't afford the mortgage, and
couldn't afford to heat it to a temperature above 32 F. What do you think>

Eric Lucas

From: lucasea on

> "unsettled" <unsettled(a)> wrote in message
> news:998ff$4557aace$4fe7025$26268(a)DIALUPUSA.NET...
>> I think if
>> any opposition to their philosophy stops right here

Why don't you just give that little experiment a try?

Eric Lucas

From: Eeyore on

lucasea(a) wrote:

> "Eeyore" <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote in message
> > lucasea(a) wrote:
> >
> >> Oh, and by the way, Canada spans just as much area as the US.
> >
> > With a smaller population.
> ...90% of which is amassed within 100 miles of the US border, ready to
> attack us. Aaaiieieiei! Canada wants to destroy western civilization!
> They want to destroy all baseball card trade! They only hate us for our
> football! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
> (You really do need to rent a copy of "Canadian Bacon", if you can find it.
> It's very good satire. You would like the grafitti scene in Quebec. As an
> educated John Fields would put it, "Mange mes shorts!")

