From: Homer J Simpson on

"Kurt Ullman" <kurtullman(a)> wrote in message

>> He was in office for just about 8 months adn for just about 8 months, he
>> had the Clinton admins advice for going after OBL and ignored it.
>> Clinton
>> tried to get OBL and failed Bush did not try.
> Clinton's attempt to get OBL was to lob a coupla cruise missles in his
> general direction and hope he walked under one. I don't subscribe to
> the he coulda had him from the Sudan (or wherever) idea, but to say
> Clinton was fixated or wanting to go after OBL is stretching reality.
> Nobody took him terribly seriously until 9/11.

Bullshit. Clinton was seriously keen on killing him. Bush didn't know there
were foreigners in the world.

From: Homer J Simpson on

"John Larkin" <jjlarkin(a)> wrote in message

> Sounds strange to me. The people I know have traveled a lot, and many
> have lived in other countries. Americans are often fans and admirers
> of other countries and languages. As for not being very introspective,
> that is true of many Americans, and it's generally a virtue: jobs,
> hobbies, interests, causes, and family are a lot more interesting than
> narcissistic, neurotic self-absorption. Maybe you are mistaking
> politeness and open-mindedness for being gullible: they are different.
> Of course America is big, with beaches, glaciers, mountains, rivers,
> an enormous variety of geography and cultures. Not all Americans elect
> to fly overseas when we have 50 different states of our own to
> explore. Your thinking seems to be undisturbed by actual knowledge of
> the US.

And what percentage of Americans have ever been further than Canada or
Mexico? Or have even left their own state?

Ever watch Jay Leno?

From: Michael A. Terrell on
Daniel Mandic wrote:
> Eeyore wrote:
> > Thompson and Terrell are amongst the lowest forms of life posting
> > here. JoeBloe beats them hands down though.
> >
> > Graham
> Ermm, is Terrell not an electronic guru?

The jury is still out on that one. Its a hung jury. I hanged them
myself. ;-)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
From: Michael A. Terrell on
T Wake wrote:
> Soon Teacher will turn up to put a stop to this playground fight.

Really? Do you know why the teacher left? He's out making book on
the fight, and the odds are in our favor.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
From: Michael A. Terrell on
John Fields wrote:
> On Wed, 04 Oct 2006 18:58:20 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
> <nobody(a)> wrote:
> >
> >"John Fields" <jfields(a)> wrote in message
> >news:lhn7i21h44h9s303rg8ru3q30g72nikg10(a)
> >
> >> LOL, you think that because you're in the dark as to what's going on
> >> behind closed doors that nothing's being done? That's gotta be
> >> pretty close to penultimate arrogance.
> >
> >When you see that half of the workers are tearing down the outhouse faster
> >than the other half are building it then it is a reasonable conclusion that
> >organization was not a high priority.
> ---
> What was being talked about was strategies which are being
> formulated, in secret, to deal with terrorism.
> What are you talking about?

He was hiding in the pit, dodging the other turds?

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida