From: MassiveProng on
On Sun, 4 Mar 2007 10:44:51 -0500, krw <krw(a)att.bizzzz> Gave us:

>BTW, I had to agree to allow my employer to reach into my account to
>pull money out before I could get direct deposit. At least there is
>some protection there, but this will become the general case.

Bullshit. The mechanism by which employers begin direct deposits
differs from employer to employer and from payroll agency to payroll

You could be a bit more clueless, just not in this life.
From: MassiveProng on
On Sun, 4 Mar 2007 17:19:51 +0000 (UTC), kensmith(a) (Ken
Smith) Gave us:

>Some fraction of the controller has been on the disk drive for a long
>time. As we went ST506->EDI->fast ATA->SATA, more and more of the
>workings moved into the drive.
The KiethTard seems to think the opposite, but I agree with you.
From: MassiveProng on
On Sun, 4 Mar 2007 17:31:06 +0000 (UTC), kensmith(a) (Ken
Smith) Gave us:

>There is not bottle neck in that if you don't do something completely
>daft. BTW: coincidental events won't overwrite each other unless you do
>something also daft. Today, time stamping can be done with very high
>accuracy for very little cost. The GPS system sends a very accurate clock
>around the world for you. You don't have to use time packets and figure
>travel times any more.
Hell, even a precision clock set to GMT when it was activated will
work for years on end. We used to put them in software security
"dongles" fully epoxy potted with their five year battery.

Dallas Semi comes to mind.
From: nonsense on
MassiveProng wrote:
> On Sun, 04 Mar 07 12:35:48 GMT, jmfbahciv(a) Gave us:
>>Has controller functionality moved into all disk drives? That
>>sorta sucks. ....Do these disk drives have multi ports?
> IDE drives come two per channel. One drive's controller becomes the
> master, and the other gets slaved to it. The connection to the
> computer main board come by way of an IDE I/O interface. The
> controller is on the drive, right on the parallel bus of the cable,
> just like it should be.
> You cannot possibly think for a moment that ANYONE here is going to
> place ANY credence in ANYTHING you say after seeing here that you know
> NOTHING about how things are done today.

You appear to be mostly self-taught. If not, then shame on
those who taught you.

From: krw on
In article <cd7mu25du691t138q6uatnmt7jdlqqvp31(a)>,
MassiveProng(a) says...
> On Sun, 4 Mar 2007 09:54:07 -0500, krw <krw(a)att.bizzzz> Gave us:
> >In article <9ldku21o58531j21nnipbg2qorbqtc71li(a)>,
> >MassiveProng(a) says...
> >> On Sat, 3 Mar 2007 13:38:29 -0500, krw <krw(a)att.bizzzz> Gave us:
> >>
> >> >If you accept that there are disk controllers controlling
> >> >controllers.
> >>
> >>
> >> IDE controllers are ALL ON THE DRIVE.
> >
> >Clueless.
> >
> >> The part on the MOBO is called an I/O interface, NOT a drive
> >> controller.
> >
> >You couldn't be more clueless, Dumbulb.
> Tell us, oh master of IDE... Where is the controller located for the
> IDE/computer interface.

Where is the DMA BUSMASTER CONTROLLER, MassivelyWrong? You're so far
out of your league you can't even find the light switch.

> It is ON THE DRIVE, dipshit.

What a clueless idiot.
