From: JoeBloe on
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 18:11:14 +0100, Eeyore
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> Gave us:

>jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>> >You can't accept that Islam isn't a threat to your lifestyle ?
>> Not only is it a threat, but it has already begun to
>> alter my lifestyle. My goal is to ensure that it
>> alter 100% of my lifestyle, if I'm allowed to exist.
>Tell me more about this threat you perceive.
>What exactly is it that you're afraid of ?

You're an idiot.

One fear is that there are too many complacent idiots, *just like
you*, and that there numbers will cause the economies of the world to
have roller-coaster repercussions.

Ooops... too late.
From: Eeyore on

Daniel Mandic wrote:

> John Fields wrote:
> > My reference to not speaking English as a first language was a
> > euphemism for being conquered, which was related to an earlier post
> > by Graham stating that had the US not become involved in WW2,
> > England and Germany might have teamed up to fight Russia after
> > Germany double-crossed Russia. In my opinion that would have been
> > suicide for England, as depleted as it would have been, when Russia
> > came rolling in to get Germany.
> >
> > So yes, the question was loaded, but it wasn't Monday morning
> > quarterbacking. Monday morning quarterbacking would have been more
> > like: "If only Germany had done thus and such, she would have won."
> What things do you write about. My dear, your insights of the Human
> history is reduced to a period of 7 years, yes?
> C'mon, let's get some million years back.....

America's only got a couple of hundred years of history.

It makes them dizzy thinking much further back.


From: Daniel Mandic on
Kurt Ullman wrote:

> >
> > > in the general direction (with a forewarning to
> > > Pakistan) is not an "attempt to get OBL", just an attempt to show
> > > that "something is being done".
> >
> > It's still 100% more than GWB ever did.
> >
> Yep GWB never did get around to clearing out the Taliban and
> exiling him to mountains at the border.

Staple one madness over the next madness, makes the madnessin the first
forget. China was a good example, bez they are known that no one would
attack them.

I would suggest the UAS AREMEE to go there and care for rights, HUHman
rights. Hahaha, you would get cold feet :-),
erm... suggest to the US Governement.

Best Regards,

Daniel Mandic

From: Eeyore on

lucasea(a) wrote:

> "T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> wrote
> >
> > I see terrorist attack doesn't make the top twenty then :-) That war on
> > tobacco really needs to get started soon.
> It has, thankfully. Most major cities in the US ban tobacco use in public
> places, and several states are considering state-wide bans. Still perfectly
> legal at home and in most places outdoors, but at least I can eat dinner in
> a restaurant without smoke making me physically ill.

I can barely wait for the UK law banning smoking in public places to come into
effect. It'll be so much nicer.


From: JoeBloe on
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 18:16:50 +0100, Eeyore
<rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> Gave us:

>jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>> Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations(a)> wrote:
>> >jmfbahciv(a) wrote:
>> >> lparker(a) (Lloyd Parker) wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >Keith Olbermann had a good commentary a week or two ago about Bush calling
>> a
>> >> >criticism "unacceptable."
>> >>
>> >> Which criticism was unacceptable?
>> >
>> >Watch this.
>> I can't. I'm not going to the library for this one.
>Why do you need to go to the library ?

Idiot! For someone that claims to have been in these groups for so
long, I find it had to believe (not) that you are oblivious as to whom
/BAH is.