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matlab compiler error mbuild -setup I,ve got exactly the same problem with matlab 7.9.0(R2009b), but I've found something extrange in the configuration files that could be related with this error. The file msvc90compp.stp located inside C:\Archivos de programa\MATLAB\R2009b\bin\win32\mbuildopts inludes a line that has this info: my $defau... 3 Feb 2010 15:08
Does fread function remember the position of each reading? I'm working on a very large data and using fread to load the data. Because of the data size I cut the data into four pieces and load four times. Each time I tell matlab the data I loaded in Bytes. Is this necessary?I just wonder whether matlab remember the position of each reading using fread or I need to tell matlab w... 3 Feb 2010 19:40
question about recent changes in 'eigs' and use on near-singularmatrices On Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:39:03 -0000, Mark Schenk <markschenk(a)> wrote: A brief update on my own post: after looking at the problem a bit longer it seems to be a fluke that eigs in Matlab 2009a gives correct results for the lowest eigenvalues of near-singular matrices. The (existing) methods fo... 3 Feb 2010 15:07
Disabling Subscript Formatting & Locking Subplot Axis Dimensions Disabling Subscript formatting in figure titles: I have a bunch of figures that use file name strings as titles; problem is the file names have a lot of underscores in them (example ‘freq_plot_data.fig’). Matlab sees “_” as a formatting string and displays the “p” and “d”... 4 Feb 2010 00:06
Sine Wave Phase sequence comparison for Synchronization Hallo Readers, I am trying to simulate the process of Synchronization of a Synchronous Generator with an Electrical Grid. One of the condition for this phenomena is to have same phase sequence of both generator and the grid. When the sine wave corresponding to phases a, b and c of the generator are compared with the... 4 Feb 2010 06:40
Matalb GA tools solution range I used Matlab GA tools to solve a nonlinear constraint optimization 2D problem. The fitness function is fitnessFun= @(x)FitnessFuc(x,xtot), and I used the 'xtot' as the initial population, I run the GA for several times, for example, 30. Each time I add the solution into xtot, but fix the initial population as the f... 3 Feb 2010 15:07
Regstats regression method Hi All, I may be off base, but I can't seem to find what regression method is used in computing a 'quadratic' regression using REGSTATS (is it a least-squares regression?). I've used this program to run a regression on a data set with two weak predictors, and am happy with the agreement, but need to define wha... 3 Feb 2010 16:16
using rsim for standalone simulink models I'm trying to generate a standalone simulink model with variable step size. For this purpose simulink provides the rsim.tlc in real time workshop. In order to use this executable on a pc without matlab the support says that libmx.dll, libut.dll, and libmat.dll has to be in the exe folder on the tagret machine. See http... 3 Feb 2010 13:59
degrees of freedom in smoothing splines Hello everyone, I've the following problem with using spline toolbox in matlab: I want to use matlab's csaps smoothing spline function to fit noisy brain data. To optimize the fit (and avoid overfitting) a further smoothness constraint input parameter p is neccessary. Furthermore, I want to estimate this smoothn... 3 Feb 2010 15:07
SOS!!! Video thresholding?? Sorry it the 3rd time i am posting the same message because i had no replies on the previous ones. My proplem?? I have a camera connected to matlab for video streaming and it works. But i want the output video to be a binary video by applying some threshold function to the video, but i have no knowledge of how to do t... 3 Feb 2010 17:24 |