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Problem with Simulink Parameter Estimation Hello, I have a non-linear model in Simulink. It has 13 states and almost 30 parameters. I want te adjust the model parameters to some experimental datasets (2). I am using the Simulink Parameter Estimation tool to estimate 15 parameters. The problem I have is that when the tool finishes the estimation process the fit... 4 Feb 2010 14:34
Ellipse detection code Does anyone has a code for ellipse detection in a gray image, or any ways how to implement it? There was a lot of messages in the history about this code, does anyone got it? Please help, ... 2 Feb 2010 15:30
[speed up] vectorized find() for sorted data? Have two sorted arrays DTime (size N~6000) and T (~ size 20*N) For each element i in DTime want to find the last element j in T s.t. DTime(i) >T(j) I can solve this task with for i=1:length(DTime) res(i)=find(DTime(i)>T,1)-1; end However, it is inefficient, as on each iteration a large matrix T is passe... 2 Feb 2010 15:30
Matlab smooth function - implementation of loess I've got a couple questions about the implementation of loess/lowess in the Matlab smooth function. Specifically, the tri-cube and bi-square functions don't look right to me. Can anyone with more expertise explain this? 1) Tri-cube: smooth.m line 377 reads: weight = (1 - (dsort/dmax).^3).^1.5; % tri-cubi... 4 Feb 2010 11:06
Filter and maximal graylevel Hello. I have applied an alternating sequential filter on an image that contains a series of cells, and I am now looking to find z, which is a number that is always greater than the difference between the maximal graylevel on one cell and the maximal gray level in the surrounding valley. I know how to find maximal g... 14 Feb 2010 16:16
Find consecutive values in a string Hi, Me and my friend faced a problem we can't solve in a good and fast way. We got pi with its first five million decimals as a vector. We want to write a program which searches this vector for the longest string of 0, 1, ..., 9. When the longest strings are found the program shall also tell us the location of the... 4 Feb 2010 05:33
pure virtual method called Dear Panel, Recently got this error after running a code that makes repeated callbacks for a few hours. It keeps making the same calls so appears to crash after calling the function about 80,000 times: pure virtual method called terminate called without an active exception Aborted Best wishes, Marcus Toml... 2 Feb 2010 15:30
How to use somat SIF file in matlab I have measured some data with an instrument. I have very long mesures that in instrument format file (*.sif), each one take up 50mb. I have tried to export data in ascii format for importing in matlab, but then the data become long 2 GB and so it is impossibile to manage with my computer, while with the instrument ana... 2 Feb 2010 15:30
Real-time workshop algebraic loop Hi I am working on a stand alone simulink model of an hydrailc system. I would like to be able to change some paremeteres via a GUI and then run the model again. I am able to do this with simple models, but when I try to use the command rtwbuild('hydraulicmodel.mdl') I get an error: Algebraic loops are not supported... 2 Feb 2010 15:30
Urgent------Doubt regarding speech signal Hi, can anybody tell me how to represent the speech signal in parts I want to show a part of the signal and its corresponding FFT I can do FFT for the entire speech signal but I am unable to do it for the part of the signal. can anyone please help me regarding this. Its very urgent Thank you ... 2 Feb 2010 15:30 |