Is it possible in a gui to display matrix in an "excelish" way?
Dear All! I have an (nxm) matrix and I'd like to display it in a gui the same way as in excel. Also I'd like to add different colors as properties (depending on there content) to these cells and be able to refer to those cells which have the same color. Is it possible? thx Prediger ... 3 Feb 2010 17:24
Embedded Matlab Dynamic Matrix Allocation
I have the following code: numnonzerocols is set in code above this: if (numnonzerocols > 0) m = size(Input,1); %Known Size ncols = numnonzerocols; %Create m_WorkingMatIn assert(ncols <= 39); m_workingmatin = zeros(m,ncols); m_workingmatout = zeros(ncols,m); When I go t... 3 Feb 2010 11:41
percent change function
Is there a percent change function built-in for Matlab? or do I have to create the function manually? Thank you ... 3 Feb 2010 12:50
I am using the ilaplace command and I receive the command and argument as my result instead of the transform. Here's my script: syms t s ilaplace(1/(s-1)) and here's the output ans = ilaplace(1/(s-1),s,t) Any thoughts? Thanks, MB ... 3 Feb 2010 12:50
Obtain the number of iterations from eigs
Hi, Is it possible to automatically retain the number of iterations that eigs went through? Thank you in advance, Sam ... 3 Feb 2010 10:33
image compression
hello, i would like to ask if any one can help me to write a code to compress an image using harr wavelet ( level 1, level 2 ,....). And as we know it is so easy to use wavelet toolbox to compress any image using harr and other types. Thanx talal ... 3 Feb 2010 09:26
Help with roipoly and histeq
I am trying to take the equalization of an image, but only in a certain region. So what I have tried doing is use the roipoly function to select my region of interest: im = imread('test.jpg'); gray = rgb2gray(im); BW = roipoly(im); roi = gray.*uint8(BW); And then use the histeq function on just the region of i... 3 Feb 2010 09:26
Import of ZVI files (Zeiss format)
Hallo, is there any possibility to import zvi files (a common Zeiss format) to matlab? cheers fulder ... 3 Feb 2010 11:41
same scale in gplotmatrix?
Is it possible to have same scale for all the plots in gplotmatrix? minimum x lim and ylim should remain same max xlim and max ylim should also remain same only the intervals should become same for all the graphs in gplotmatrix..... ... 3 Feb 2010 09:26
Using of fft on sample values
Dear experts! I'm sorry about to ask not yet other fft question but I don't know any other solution than this and I hope to find an answer for my problem finally. Background: I'm using a rotary encoder with 100 counts per revolution and a 40 MHz counter card. For every increment of the rotary encoder the card coun... 3 Feb 2010 08:19