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simulink model can anybody send me a simulink model of a computer or is there any model of computer already made by someone(like the model of dc motor in simulink). ... 4 Feb 2010 11:06
Is it possible in a gui to display matrix in an "excelish" Prediger <prediger(a)> wrote in message <306136581.106327.1265260796455.JavaMail.root(a)>... Dear Yair, to be honest the problem I'm dealing with is not as complex as the one you solved with your program. I'm just struggling to make a sitting order allocator and trying to display t... 4 Feb 2010 13:25
excel link just run the command window hi. I add-in excel link in excel2007 When i run the excel link, it only run matlab command window. Have you ever experience like that? ... 4 Feb 2010 02:17
Help Needed Using Vrsynk in External Mode Hello everyone. I hope somebody can help me with that. Here is my trouble. I have Matlab2008b running under Windows Xp. I use Simulink to control a robot with 2 grades of freedom, first I read the signals from the encoders, do de calculations and send the control signal to the motor's drives using a Sensoray DAQ...... 4 Feb 2010 07:45
compile error in mex file having OpenGL codes Hi to all, I was trying to build a binary mex file Box.c which contain a very simple OpenGl code. Here is my code look like ****************************************************** #include "mex.h" #include "windows.h" #include "glut.h" void Box(void) { glColor3f(1.0,0.5,1.0); glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glV... 4 Feb 2010 05:33
fuzzy logic rules hi, i am doing my project in speed control of switched reluctance motor. here i am going to design speed controller block using fuzzy logic controller. from the machine output i have taken speed,torque,inductance etc.. the input to the fuzzy controller is speed error and rate of change in speed error.i have to take... 4 Feb 2010 14:34
come and join where u can find friends, classifieds, games, music albums, events, blogs, chatrooms, video songs and lot more.... for free come and join where u can find friends, classifieds, games, music albums, events, blogs, chatrooms, video songs and lot more.... for free ... 3 Feb 2010 23:00
How to put a mark on an image Hello guys, I found the middle point of an image, How can I put a mark on the image to show the middle point? ... 4 Feb 2010 06:40
FXLMS Demo I have been reading the demo of Active noise control by Filtered X LMS algorithm and in that the author is using a data to calculate the impulse response rather than using a impulse as a signal .. 3 Feb 2010 21:54
emlcoder.egs in MATLAB 7.7.0 Hi all, I've decided to try out MATLAB's C-code generating capabilities mainly with the intention of speeding up a slow simulation. I've been unsuccessfully trying to generate C-code for a whole day, however (the documentation on this is horrendously confusing). I've also watched some of the recorded webinars here. ... 8 Feb 2010 01:17 |