Dear readers! Can somebody explain this behaviour of ANCESTOR or is it a bug? Works as expected: a = line; b = line; % 2 dummy objects P = ancestor([a,b], 'figure') P = {1; 1} % ok Unexpected, at least for me: P = ancestor([a, 123], 'figure') % Arbitrary non-handle P = [1] % ??? Expected:... 7 Feb 2010 11:58
ccs 3.1 and matlab
hi i have to load a code matlab in code composer i have ccs 3.1 but it dont work with matlab 2007b Error Message : ??? Error using ==> cu_compareAndWarnCCSVersions at 52 This version of the Link for Code Composer Studio(tm) does not support your version of Code Composer Studio(tm) IDE. The Code Composer Studi... 8 Feb 2010 11:05
RAM vs. CPU bottleneck for MATLAB?
Assuming that I have optimized my code for memory usage, and I have a fairly well balanced hardware loadout, would increasing my RAM alone be likely to increase the speed of MATLAB program runtimes? or is CPU more of the bottleneck almost no matter what? ... 7 Feb 2010 02:09
Check internet connection status using Matlab
"Scott Burnside" <no(a)spam.com> wrote in message <gdiupj$l2q$1(a)fred.mathworks.com>... "Matthew Simoneau" <matthew(a)mathworks.com> wrote in message <gdijfm$jk9$1(a)fred.mathworks.com>... Scott, I think we can simplify your code by using URLREAD: function flag = isnet() % This function returns a... 6 Feb 2010 17:25
Trying to create a 'do it all' plotting script
Hello everyone! I'm rather new to matlab, as I am a freshmen in an engineering program. That said, I've been working on a script that will plot a set of data and let the user choose the line color, line type, and line point type. In addition, the user can enter the axis names and a title. Below is my script so far.... 8 Feb 2010 03:26
swap values
a=[1 2 3 4 5] is there a way to swap an element in the list without storing. Is there a command or a one line command that can. Currently I am implementing b=2, c=4 a(2)=c; a(4)=b I do not want to use that so is there any other way to make the swapping procedure efficent or in a one line command way. ... 6 Feb 2010 17:25
Neural Network Training algorithms
I am trying to train a neural network for speech recognition. I am using 10ms frames and computing feature vectors of size 64. I am runnning into out of memory issues with matlab due too the large amount of data I have(on the order of say 400000 feature vectors). I ve found that due to matlabs training algorithm the me... 7 Feb 2010 18:42
Fourier Series Coefficients
Hello everyone, I need to check my hand calculations of the coefficients for a fourier series. The function is as follows: f(x)= x 0<x<=1 f(x)=1 1<x<2 Can anyone give me an example of how to get the fourier coefficients (i.e. A0, An, and Bn) for this non-periodic function in matlab so that I can com... 6 Feb 2010 15:13
Problem with mex files in Wavelab
Hello all, I get a problem with MEX files while running WaveLab (850) with Matlab 7.8.0 (Mac student version). Each time I start Matlab, Wavelab try to recompile the MEX files and each time, it "succeeds" without any error (just some warnings : array 'plhs' assumed to have one element AND array 'prhs' assumed to ha... 6 Feb 2010 14:06
Print to file with variable filename
This has to be something people do every day, and yet the documentation does not describe it correctly. I want to save a figure to file with a variable file name (composed from a data group and a number). The following doesn't work because matlab reads 'filename' as a literal not a variable. print '-pdf' fil... 9 Feb 2010 04:00