Fitness proportionate / roulette-wheel selection, when initial
> How do you calculate the fitness value for each member? I'm trying to find parameters for a second order damping response. I have my F = [ 0 1 ; - w^2 -2*w*z] c = [1 0]; and my system is sys = ss[F, [], c, []); because there are not external inputs and I set an initial value for x0. So I calculate the outp... 17 Feb 2010 02:14
read struct
You can read about the geographic and map structures returned by shaperead here: ... 4 Feb 2010 21:22
Matlab Calculated Wrongly
I have 2 values of: e = 98; f = 77; f - e should be equals to -21, but MATLAB says its 0. Can anyone help? A photo of the problem is attached here: ... 4 Feb 2010 22:28
Binary integer programming
Hi, I am required to use binary integer programming in my research. I am not sure which software will be more suitable for my work between MAtlab and Xpress-MP. anybody knows what is the Limitations in MAtlab? thanks.... ... 4 Feb 2010 23:35
maketform and imtransform coordinate question
This is probably a stupid question, but I understand that you can do something like: [B,xdata,ydata] = imtransform(tform, tform, 'bicubic', ... 'udata', udata,... 'vdata', vdata) To define the input image coordinates when applying imtransform. I can t... 4 Feb 2010 20:14
Why does FFT(x) must be divided by number of samples, i.e.
Rune Allnor <allnor(a)> wrote in message <cf337b2e-c731-4ae1-bd09-37fff3b63908(a)>... On 9 Des, 00:05, "onemilimeter " <on...(a)> wrote: May I know why do we need to divide fft(y,NFFT) by L? First of all, it's the convention just about everybody use. Sec... 4 Feb 2010 19:06
Can anyone spot my error?
Im trying to create a system that calculates interest over ten years but for some reason i keep getting an error message. I am about 99% this is the correct text for the program yet there is an error message of: Error using ==> power Matrix dimensions must agree. So my t vector is not agreeing with my interest formu... 4 Feb 2010 17:57
GUI enumerated values
Hi all, How can i set the value of an enumerated type within the GUIDE property inspector. I.e. i want to do the following: set(handles.activex1, 'playState', 'wmppsPaused'); So set an windows media player activex control to be paused on the click of a button. I get the following error : ??? Invoke Err... 4 Feb 2010 17:57
annoying popup clustergram
Hello, I am using Matlab R2009b with Bioinformatics Toolbox, and I try to create a program that print out the clustergram to an image. Here is what I did: c = clustergram(data); fig = figure; plot(c, fig); print(fig,'-dpng',name); The code runs just fine. Now I want the code to run *silently*, so I did c... 5 Feb 2010 10:31
Matlab OO, copying data in a handle based class to a value based one
Hi, I will try and explain my question in the form of an example. I have a handle based class (lets say the instance is called A) that is basically storing various data and has associated methods. Over time, the data is accessed and updated etc. Then a particular points in the process I want to basically take ... 4 Feb 2010 17:57