Colour Deconvolution
Hello, I have a few image files (RGB), and i want to extract different colours in different images. I mean, whatever is red in the picture is in a new file. Whatever blue in another, and whatever pink in another separate file. In the file with components, I don't want to see anything that is red/pink. I hope you u... 5 Feb 2010 02:51
combining vectors
I have vectors W= E= 1 2 3 8 2 3 6 7 3 4 6 6 4 5 7 9 I want to make a vector that takes the first row of W then the first row of E then the second row of W then second row of E. when I use combine = [W E] I get a super long ... 5 Feb 2010 03:56
help for auto capture image and save
dear sirs, this is the coding, anyone can help me solve the error?i want after press stop will auto save the image.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % --- Executes on button press in startStopCamera. function startStopCamera_Callback(hObject, eve... 5 Feb 2010 03:56
Baseflow MRC
Master recession curve (MRC) is an automated base flow recession analysis techniques... this is a sort of optimization to estimate the amount of base flow. Do you have an idea how to implement this kind of optimization in Matlab? ... 5 Feb 2010 02:51
i am doing a project in face recognition... i completed my algorithm... but i do no how to test and train the image... i am using orl database... can any one help.. so that it will be helpful for me to complete the project ... 5 Feb 2010 07:12
help creating /animating standing wave in matlab tia sal22
Greetings All I'm trying to create a standing wave animation and export both channels to a left and right audio waves file to play but I'm having problems. I can create the wave by just using the standard wave equation for the left channel and 180 degree phase difference for the right channel but when I try and... 5 Feb 2010 02:51
convert 3D matrix into 2D
"Bruno Luong" <b.luong(a)fogale.findmycountry> wrote in message <hgi89g$c60$1(a)>... "husnul khotimah" <uus_16a2(a)> wrote in message <hgi6o8$bqs$1(a)>... Hi, i still cant find a way to convert a 3 dimension matrix (1x10x3) into 2 dimension matrix (10x3), is there any functi... 5 Feb 2010 00:41
faster way for multiple griddatan?
Hi, I need to interpolate multiple YI values using: YI(:,i) =griddata(X,Y(:,i), XI); Instead of performing griddata N times in a for loop, is there a better/faster way? It seems that internally "dsearchn" would be unnecessarily executed multiple times. Any input is appreciated! ... 8 Feb 2010 09:58
Size of the picture
If let said i want to standardize all picture size 100 x100 after done the cropping! How should i write? ... 5 Feb 2010 01:46
counting color image
Hi. i m working with color image where my goal is to count the objects in the color image..Is there any way to use the bwlabel command without converting the color image to binary images as my results of the image after processing must in color image.? Please help. Thank you. ... 5 Feb 2010 07:12