Hi, How can I implement 'uiopen' with the following options in an m-file. - comma column separator and - create vectors from each column using column names Wizard does exactly what I want but I do not want to do those selections every time. Thanks in advance. -Timo ... 17 Feb 2010 02:14
How to funct 'norminv' in simulink
I'm trying to test a model based on Simulink, and I only got the mean and std value and need the inverting to get the samples. This can be done in Matlab with norminv function, but I don't know how to realise it in Simulink, since this function has indeed 3 inputs ! It's the same problem when I want to try "smooth" fun... 17 Feb 2010 02:14
Read malformed text file
"nedo nodo" <nedo.nodo(a)gmail.com> wrote in message I have a "malformed" text file: it is similar to a file .CSV, but Matlab can't read it automatically. The code read well only the first line of values...Can you help me? I don't think there's anything you can do, except to code the function using the pr... 17 Feb 2010 00:09
corr2 und corrcoef only produce Nans
Thanks for the help. I think I found the problem. I had -Inf and Inf values in my data vectors which seemed to confuse the corr2 function. I changed that and now its working. "Oleg Komarov" <oleg.komarovRemove.this(a)hotmail.it> wrote in message <hlec36$5or$1(a)fred.mathworks.com>... "Stefanie " <steffi_rulla(a)hot... 17 Feb 2010 00:10
cftool and fit - guessing starting values
Hi everyone. I was using the cftool to fit a curve for the following general equation : a1*sin(b1*x + c1) The parameters estimated by the cftool were giving good results. However, since I have allot of series to fit, I was thinking to use the fit function. The problem I have is to guess the starting values ... 17 Feb 2010 00:11
how to delete a jcombobox
hi I created a jcombobox in the figure toolbar. I need to be able to delete it beforing save the current status of the figure (using hgsave). Does anybody know how to do so? My example code is below: figure hToolbar = findall(gcf,'type','uitoolbar'); jtb = get(get(hToolbar,'JavaContainer'),'ComponentPeer'); jtb... 17 Feb 2010 00:09
Global Variables Speed vs. Function Argument Variable Speed
Hi, Just a quick question: Does anyone know whether it is faster to pass a variable to a function as an argument or to import global variables within the function body? ... 17 Feb 2010 00:09
how to measure the Efficiency of code.
Hello I know about profile but is there any other tool available to measure whether the code is efficient. Clock? Tic? Uwe Brauer ... 17 Feb 2010 00:09
preventing "out-of-memory" by codistributing arrays
Hi all, I've got an application that creates three large matricies (350 000 x 250) and store these to binary files using fwrite(), later in the algorithm I read these back into memory using fread(). So far, no problem. When I extend the matricies to be (350 000 x 1 000) I get the classical "out-of-memory" error -... 17 Feb 2010 00:08
rewriting a symbolic equation in vectoral/matrix form
please can help me... ... 17 Feb 2010 00:08