image processing
im studying super-resolution of alised images in frequency domain it require rotation estimation of images. for that image sould be in polar cordinate. please help me for conversion of image from cartesian to polar cordinate ... 17 Feb 2010 00:10
Can't find function that is in working directory
Hi, I hope someone can help... I'm getting an "??? Undefined function or variable" error that I don't understand. I have a function in an m file that is in the current working directory. This directory is also on the path. When I do a dir I see the m file listed, when I do help function_name I get info on the fun... 17 Feb 2010 00:08
" A Spatial Overlapping Based Similarity Measure Applied to Hierarchical Clustering"
hi, i'm an engineering student, i'm working on " A Spatial Overlapping Based Similarity Measure Applied to Hierarchical Clustering". can anyone help me by providing any related material, matlab codes etc.. regarding this? my email id is ammu2288(a) ... 17 Feb 2010 00:08
placing limits on a polar plots
Hello, I wanted to ask if anyone knows of a way to put axis limits on polar plots? In regular plots I just use 'xlim' and 'ylim' to set the limits of the plots but I have no idea how one does it with the polar plot??? Thank you. ... 17 Feb 2010 00:08
object extraction
hii all.. we are working on color based sorting system in Matlab. out of a running video frames will be captured after a specific time duration. in each captured frame we only want to separate the color box(crop it) and run the color detecting algorithm on it. so how and are there any commands which only work on the... 17 Feb 2010 00:08
nest if statement
Nick N wrote: Dear all, I am new to this forum & Matlab. Just wondering if Matlab supports this kind of statement like in C programming: (expr1) ? expr2:expr3 This is equivalent to if (expr1) expr2; else exp3; end; Actually, that C operator is not exactly equivalent to t... 17 Feb 2010 00:08
Is it a bug in memmapfile? or it's normal...
I created simple memmap (c:\records.dat contain just one double value 5): m = memmapfile('c:\records.dat', 'Format', 'double', 'Writable', true); I'll get reference to m.Data, and read value, value is ok: x = m.Data; x(1) ans = 5 Now, i'll write new value: m.Data(1)=6; Now, i'll read x(1... 17 Feb 2010 00:09
how to obtain threshold from histogram of image
How to obtain threshold of an image from histogram of an image by using programming in matlab... not by just looking & determine threshold of an image from histogram ... 17 Feb 2010 00:09
interp1 very slow
Hi, I would like to interpolate each row of Matrix Ai to Bi values, iterpolated through A and B. It works with a loop. Is there a quicker way as the dataset is quite large and it takes ages. Thx, J. Bi=zeros(n,m); for i=1:n Bi(i,:)=interp1(A(n,:),B(n,:),Ai(n,:)); end ... 17 Feb 2010 00:08
Neural network
Hi, Wonder if anybody please let me know about the following : 1) I guess "nntool" doesn't convert data, by default, to scaled variables. Is that correct ? 2) I have two datasets (x and y) and I am trying to use MLP to get their relationship. Then, I wish to use this relationship as a model and use it for a ... 17 Feb 2010 00:08