dpsk simulink model
need help in DPSK simulink model. i want to implement dpsk modulation technique, if anyone have the simulink model for this modulation please send it. ... 17 Feb 2010 15:37
fsolve problem - too many input arguments..FIXED
thanks a lot.. ... 17 Feb 2010 13:21
Hex in Constant Block
Can you enter a matrix into a contstant block in Hex? For example a 2x2 [0x0FEE 0x003F; 0x02CC 0x2FFE] ? Can't find any syntax that will allow me to continue through the dialog box. Thanks, Matt ... 17 Feb 2010 13:21
"Unsupported ARRAYFUN input type" problem
I have an array, A, of user defined objects, lets call the Object Quaternion. The Object simply stores 4 doubles, w, x, y, z.... Now I have function, which takes a Quaternion and produces a new slightly altered one. For the simplicity of the example lets just say I am going to add 0.1 to w (in my actual case the fu... 17 Feb 2010 13:21
Cylinder visualization
I've got a project where I need to take a a bunch of CMM data, and turn these into a pretty graphic. I have a theoretical cylinder surface (my ideal) and a set of R,theta,z points in cylndirical coordinates (what my part was actually made to). I can plot the ideal cylinder but I need to basically fit the real data to... 17 Feb 2010 12:13
compile problem
Hi, I have a compiling trouble during making a stand-alone exe file. In my main.m, I used "addpath('./dir1') and used some functions (*.m files) in this directory. For making exe file, I tried "mcc -m main -a ./dir1/*", but it doesn't work. Please give me a right way to include directories in exe file... 17 Feb 2010 12:13
Seems simple but: How to annotate a 3D plot?
Lets say you have 3D data, then make a 3D plot with this data, and now you want to place an arrow pointing at one(or some) of this 3D points. Normally you would use the command annotation. Annotation requires a 2D vector in figure normalized coordinates. How to convert between 'real' 3D data and data rendered in 2D by ... 17 Feb 2010 12:13
TI C2000 Target - TMS320C2834x support
Hello Recently I've upgraded my TI DSP microcontroller from F2833x series into newest one - C2834x. Unfortunatelly I cannot find any target support for newer one. Is there any way to get a target support or is it unavailable? Eventually when is it planned to provide a support to mentioned TI DSPs? Best regards... 17 Feb 2010 12:13
"Improper assignment with rectangular empty matrix" error
Hello, I kindly ask for your help in solving my problem. I made a program which was working fine until today (for about a month now) and today when I was running it again it gave me this error: "Improper assignment with rectangular empty matrix". Can someone please tell me what to do? I have to mention that I wor... 17 Feb 2010 13:21
"atif khalil" <atif_phy(a)hotmail.com> wrote in message <h82vc5$c9m$1(a)fred.mathworks.com>... Helow every body i am doing electronics engineering and i am new in MIMO OFDM so if any body have a complete code of MIMO OFDM plz send it to me thanks HELLO, THIS IS SHITAL WORKING ON CHANNEL ESTIMATION FOR MIMO... 4 Mar 2010 02:20