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Animating a set of 3d points? I have a set of 3d points, which I display in a figure using plot3 in the standard way. Basically I am wanting to animate the movement of the 3d points over time, as and when the position of a point changes. Obviously I could just do a complete redraw of all the points, but I would guess there is a far more efficient w... 17 Feb 2010 02:14
Animating a set of 3d points? I have a set of 3d points, which I display in a figure using plot3 in the standard way. Basically I am wanting to animate the movement of the 3d points over time, as and when the position of a point changes. Obviously I could just do a complete redraw of all the points, but I would guess there is a far more efficient w... 17 Feb 2010 12:13
Finding the slope and y intercept of lsline Hi All I had used lsline function to find the least square line.Can you help me for finding the slope and y intercept of the least square line. Thanks in advance PMN ... 17 Feb 2010 04:28
corr2 und corrcoef only produce Nans Hi there, I'm trying to correlate 2 signals with the functions corr2 or rather corrcoef. I wrote a code for that but the resulting matricez are only composed out of NaNs. Is there a genral hint or solving this problem? I plotted the two signals on each other and there must be at least some correlation. I'll appreci... 17 Feb 2010 02:14
nest if statement Dear all, I am new to this forum & Matlab. Just wondering if Matlab supports this kind of statement like in C programming: (expr1) ? expr2:expr3 This is equivalent to if (expr1) expr2; else exp3; end; Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks! ... 17 Feb 2010 02:14
Initialization of a 3d matrix of Handle Objects Hi, I am unsure how to best "initialize" a 3D matrix of empty objects (where the objects are handles), or rather reserve memory space. This 3D will be large and so rather than constantly resizing it seems far more sensible to have the memory space allocated in one go. Now I am aware of the .empty function i.e te... 17 Feb 2010 02:14
Orbit Simulation Can anyone tell me how to get planets to actually "move" along their trajectory as particles in MATLAB? I need to do this to simulate the hohmann transfer to mars, I want to have an actual movie.. I have solved the ODE for the motion of the planets (simple simple model!) but it just plots the trajectory as a normal g... 17 Feb 2010 07:44
Visualization tool of time series data needed... Anybody could point me to some good time series visualization tools? At the very least, a time series plot that can allow me label data- tips in date string format, not in date number format? Thanks ... 17 Feb 2010 02:14
Why is MOVEFILE so slow? "Chris" <chris.nospam(a)> wrote in message <hg5irp$hc1$1(a)>... "Kevin" <khung(a)> wrote in message <hf1hv8$2dn$1(a)>... I have seen this before but just don't have time to look into it. Actually there is not much that I can do since MOVEFILE is a built-in functi... 17 Feb 2010 02:13 |