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subplot size Hello I am using the following command to create a 3*1 subplot. subplot(3,1,k). This command is in a loop with k change from 1 to 3. The subplot command geneartes a figure which is approximately 10cm*10cm on my screen. What is the command to enlarge this size to, say, 15*15 cm? ... 17 Feb 2010 12:13
sorting displacements - help sought Hi! - A problem... I have a vector, a = [10 20 50 60 90 30 40 70 80] I have indexed and sorted the vector as follows; [aa,bb]=sort(a) Giving me the following aa = 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 bb = 1 2 6 7 3 4 8 9 5 I would now like to quantify the displacement of each value, as follows: cc = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7... 17 Feb 2010 16:45
lookup table dynamic with different size of data table at different time step Hello, I have one question: does lookup table dynamic in simulink support data table (xdat and ydat) whose size change at every time step ? thanks in advance for any help! Long ... 17 Feb 2010 12:13
fsolve problem - too many input arguments.. hi all, i want to give as input the parameters of the equations that i solve in fsolve. when i try for a "small" problem/equation (eg circle: F(:) = (x-par(1,:))^2 + (y-par(2,:))^2 - 1) to find one intersection of 2 or 3 circles, by giving a (2,2) or (2,3) matrix for -par- it works, giving me one position (x,... 17 Feb 2010 12:13
Problem using saveas and zoom Hi all, I'm trying to create a movie from a moving surf plot. I'm using the view command to move the camera viewpoint and then I'm trying to create a movie from single frames. I tried to use the getframe command, but it does not seem to work, so I tried with saveas (I save the current plot as a .png image, read it aga... 18 Feb 2010 07:13
xpc target rs232 send problem Hi, In my XPC target I need to do some rs232 packet communication. To start with, I made a simple model which includes Baseband Serial F block. I configured the model for COM1-none. Rx and Tx data types are 8 bit NULL terminated. I attached a ascii encode block with certain ascii charecters to be sent to the XMT1 po... 25 Feb 2010 04:45
griddata interpolation Hi, I have a problem to choose the method to use on the griddata function. Which method is better? the v4 method or the cubic method? What are the differences between them? I have few real data (about 14) and a large number of grid point (about 50). Have you got a bibliography for the v4 method? Than you very muc... 17 Feb 2010 12:13
NARX for prediction of WWTP effluent flow? I have 5 year series of data on rainfall and evaporation of 2 pumping stations that each pump rainwater to a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Data of the resulting flow coming out this WWTP are also known. Which neural network is most suitable in order to predict the WWTP flow using the known flowdata as targets? Is... 17 Feb 2010 11:04
v4 INTERPOLATION Hi, I have to use the griddata function and, about the interpolation method 'cubic' or v4', I don't know which of these two methods is better. I have a few real data (about 14) and a big grid (about 50 points). Can you help me to choose the best method? Have you got some bibliography for the v4 method? Than you ... 17 Feb 2010 11:04
making mex-file compilation dependant on the compiler I want to have a script compile my mex file using different options depending on what compiler is set up. Passing switches seems more flexible than editing mexopts.bat and having several versions. This seems to work just fine from the command-prompt, but when I make a script/function that does the same, I get a strange... 17 Feb 2010 11:05 |