Shifting my array output
I have an array X X = [sd' ; vd']' My output is as follows X = 658 1072 96 103 760 1089 292 298 777 1034 353 357 I wish INSTEAD to output like this: X = 658 96 1072 103 760 292 108... 19 Feb 2010 10:57
Cross correlation on bitpattern
Hi, I'm trying to find a bitsequence in a bigger bitstream. The pattern i am looking for is a PRBS of 127 bits. I want to do this with cross correlation and finding a peak, but something is wrong in the way i try to use the bitstream and crosscorrelation; I take the pattern of 127 bits, divide it into 32 bit chu... 19 Feb 2010 10:57
There are no products to install
When I am installing MATLAB R12 there is a warning saying "there are no products to install , check that the files are in an archives subdirectory " . and there the installation will be stopped. Any one help me out of this situation ... 19 Feb 2010 10:57
Matlab and large signals - I think I want my money back!
Although Matlab is an excellent tool in signal processing, it has totally dissapointed me these days when I tried even the SIMPLEST function on large signals (let's say 2.5 million samples or higher). Not only that you must say goodbye to ffts, xcorrs, etc., but even smiple PLOTS cannot be showed because the "OUT O... 23 Feb 2010 14:42
Load flow
Can anybody send me the solutions to load flow under different loading conditions for ieee 14 bus test system, plz. ... 19 Feb 2010 09:50
xpc and the 2nd IP Address
Hello, I try to connect the 2nd network card from my xpc target PC with a robot. The robot should send his position via ethernet to my network card. But therefore I need an IP-Address. But I only get the address of the first card (is connected with the host). Please help me. I have absolut no idea of how I get the 2... 19 Feb 2010 09:50
scale from contourcmap
Hi, I have a graph and I am plotting the data as follows: contourcmap([0:0.0001:1],'gray','colorbar','on') The problem is that I want a colorbar, but with that much values, it is impossible to read any number. Is it possible to make the colorbar shows just the first and the last number?? Or even better, is th... 19 Feb 2010 09:50
Help with processing images
I am interested in eliminating a region of the image I'm looking at. This is an image in uint8, ie, [0.255]. Initially, I want to select the interval between this image [0,5], and eventually eliminate values of pixels less than 1.5, for example. Thank you for your attention. ... 19 Feb 2010 08:43
requesting code
could anyone plz provide me with matlab code for JPEG2000 compression ... 19 Feb 2010 08:43
Draw Plane
Hi.. I have generated data set for a few plane with 3D coordinate (i.e x,y,z). Now I want to fit a continuous plane to these scattered data point. Can any one tell me how to do that. If you want I can give data point. Thank you in Advance ... 19 Feb 2010 08:43