interaction between simlink and matlab
Dear all, Any one is there to help me to take datas generated in matlb (as a vector )to simulink file. Bindu ... 22 Feb 2010 03:04
come and join a social network with full features like games, classifieds, forums, blogs and a lot more
come and join a social network with full features like games, classifieds, forums, blogs and a lot more ... 21 Feb 2010 01:41
DFT for Irregular samples
Corrected code! Although its still giving me wrong results ! It will be great if some one can have a look on it In first loop i calculated DFT giving me correct result In second loop Its DFT for irregular samples clear all close all N=200; % Number sample points M=(N-1)/2; %Number of frequency points m=-M:M... 25 Mar 2010 01:00
add_block for name of Blockset with SPACES??!!
hi, i am using matlab 2008a i want to use the function "add_block" to add blocks to my system, but i have problems with the name of blocksets with spaces if i put: add_block('Simulink/Sinks/Scope','mysys/scope1') i have no problem, all is OK but if i put a name blockset with spaces: add_block('Control... 21 Feb 2010 01:41
linspace(-1,1,21) did not help
i would need to call each point in an index notation, so like if i do L = linspace(-1,1,21) ; how can I do a loop over each point at L? or specify a condition? it does look easy but that is the trick to it? and i need to pass the values of L (at each point) to another variable (say w) so if i do w(i) = L(i)... 22 Feb 2010 09:36
Need syntax to execute a matlab.m file from VB6
I have a matlab.m file that I need to execute from vb6 The matlab file requires that 2 parameters of type string are passed to it. I tried shell("filepath\matlabsrc.m str1 str2") Errors that screen cannot be found rewrote matlabsrc without parameters tried shell("filepath\matlabsrc.m") get same error. A... 20 Feb 2010 21:19
fails to load/import java class
Hi, I've some problems with using my own java package in Matlab. I've put the jar-package in the static java path. When I run the javaclasspath command I can see my jar in the list. After import of the class Matlab fails to use it The function methodview gives this error: ??? Error using ==> methodsview ... 31 Mar 2010 19:56
Array problem
Hi, I'm having a problem with matrices! I want to store a row vector in each row of a matrix, thus storing the information produced in the iterations of a for loop. Basic coding is: matrix=zeros(3,3); num=0; for a=1:1:3, count=0; num=num+1; for n=1:1:3; count=count+1; E=(some constants here)*n^... 20 Feb 2010 20:12
Line number using fgetl
Hello, I am using fgetl function to read line by line from a file. When I reach a particular line, I wish to skip reading next two lines from the file. For this I need to know the index of current line being read and then increment it. So the questions is:- 1.How to know the index of line being read? 2.How to ... 20 Feb 2010 21:19
save inside a specific folder
Hi all my problem is that i want to save a file ( or a pic) inside a specific folder say i have the script i want to use in folder named synth1 and in that folder there is a folder named memo how can i use the script to save a file inside memo folder and not in the big folder synth1 hopee my q is clear thank... 21 Feb 2010 00:36