Control points_algoritm
Dear sir: I'm trying a digital subtraction angiography, helped with some given steps ( One of them is "...the control points are selected, using a two-parameter algorithm which constrains the minimum and maximum distance between the points ". I don't understand if I must se... 20 Feb 2010 04:45
fourier descriptor
hi i want to implement fourier descriptor of shape the problem i recive the shape as original when reconstructed and cant have for round corners. if i use rectangle in back reconstruction i recive recuntungle without round corner i use the 20 Feb 2010 04:45
testing a dataset
Hi, I'm trying fisheriris on statistic toolbox. I make a decision tree and i want to test it with a test dataset.I try to do it with cost = test(t,'test',X,y) function.I import a dataset from sgi dataset page iris.test named dataset. but everytime i try, i get an error message.i import test number for X and label for ... 20 Feb 2010 11:18
I want to write my own code for DFT for regular sampling signall Expression looks like this Objective - Apply DFT to go from X domain to wave number domain K! which is simlar to go from t domain to frequency domain %P(k,omega)=deltax sum{n=0,N-1} P(ndeltax,omega)exp(j k n deltax) WHERE deltax= sampling ... 20 Feb 2010 19:06
Speech Signal Separation for Voice/Unvoice parts
"yogesh angal" <yogeshangal(a)> wrote in message <hggm9k$8a1$1(a)>... dear sir, can we get end point detection using only energy in frames? ... 20 Feb 2010 03:40
back propagation neural network
On Feb 10, 4:45 am, sagar sharma <gauravgoswa...(a)> wrote: hello sir, i m using NN first time, my task is to prediction throughneuralnetwork .I am using the followingneuralnetwork code with the help of nntoolbox MATLAB R2008a ............ [An,ps] = mapminmax(A,0,1); [Bn,ts] = mapminma... 20 Feb 2010 02:34
Any reference for AWGN Function
I need to use the awgn() function in some of the work I am doing. Since the outcome critically depends upon how the noise is added, I wanted to know about the inner workings of awgn(): how is the power defined/measured, how is the noise added etc. I looked at the MATLAB help but it neither gives these details nor it po... 21 Feb 2010 01:41
RQ decomposition with positive diagonal entries
How to write an RQ decompositioin that make sure the diagmal entries are always positive? ... 19 Feb 2010 23:17
beginner quest:cross product .... arrays
I have 2 matrices. A = 658 96 1 760 292 1 777 353 1 B = 1072 103 1 1089 298 1 1034 357 1 Using the cross function how can I cross multiple each row one at a time? I know I have to use a for loop.... 20 Feb 2010 00:22
Selecting 3d coordinates....kinda like a '3d' ginput
Does any know how to obtain X,Y,Z coordinates from a 3d plot? ginput only returns X,Y coordinates. Best Ravi ... 19 Feb 2010 21:05